Black Panthers

  • B.P.P Accomplishments

    B.P.P Accomplishments of the accomplishment was the free breakfest for children program in a Okland church, and the intercommunal youth institude with the intend of demonstrating how to teach African Americans.
  • Hoover leads FBI investigations into Black Panther activities

    Hoover leads FBI investigations into Black Panther activities was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States.
    The FBI's Charlotte Field Office opened on investigative file on the BPP to track its militant activities,income and expenses.
  • Bobby Seale and Huey P.Newton

    Bobby Seale and Huey P.Newton
    Bobby and Huey draft the first version of the Ten Point Program. They established the Black Panther Party in Oakland.
    They want to establish a real economic,social and political equality.
  • Ten Point Program

    Ten Point Program Black Panthers created this.
    The Then Point Program was a document that called for land,bread,housing,education,clothing,justice and oeace.
    The Black Panthers used the Ten Poin Program to expresse what they wanted.
  • Huey Newton's 1968 manslaughter trial

    Huey Newton's 1968 manslaughter trial was a murder trial and the most politically charged trials of this era.
    Police accused him by murdering and many americans believed that he was a murder but others couldn't believe it because they were followers
  • Free Breakfast for Children program and fights police brutality

    Free Breakfast for Children program and fights police brutality Panthers would cook and serve food to the poor inner city youth of the area.
    By the end of the year they set up kitchens in cities across the nation.
    The Panthers helped to dont have more fights police brutality to black people.
  • Eldridge Cleaver

    Eldridge Cleaver Cleaver was lived most of his life in L.A. As a teenager he was sent to reform school for stealing a bicycle and selling marijuana. Later on he got arrested and sentnced to 30 months in prison. While in prison he became intersted in politics. He also began reading books on blakc civil rights and was influenced by Malcolm X.