Black Death

  • 1320

    Gobi desert

    approximately 100k
    where the black death started
    it was brought in by Mongol travelers.
  • 1338

    Lake Issyk Kul

    in the peak years
    brought in by Chinese and Mongol traders, travelling along the Silk Road
  • 1345

    Lower Volga river

    in the peak years
  • 1346

    Crimea and Caucasus

    in the peak years
  • 1347


    in the peak years
  • 1347

    Italy and Greece

    in the peak years
  • 1347


    in the peak years
  • 1347


    over 300,000 people died in the black death in just Constantinople.
    in the peak years
  • 1347


    in the peak years
    brought from Genoese ships from the East arrived at Messina on Sicily.
  • 1348

    Britain and Ireland

    in the peak years
  • 1348

    Genoa, Venice

    in the peak years
  • 1349


    in the peak years
  • 1349

    Northern Europe

    in the peak years
    Genoese ships from Kaffe carried the epidemic over to the country.
  • 1351


    the Black Death brought death and economic turmoil to the region, disrupting commerce and society in the 14th century.
  • 1353


    the last location hit
    Janibeg brought while trying to attack the courtney