Birth to Three Years

  • 3

    3 Months

    Can raise head
  • 3

    3 Months

    Can see up close things more clear
  • 3

    3 Months

    Understanding tastes
  • 3

    3 Months

    See in colour uses facial expressions
  • 4

    4-5 Months

    Can roll over
  • 6

    6-7 Months

    Can sit up on own
  • 6

    6 Months

    Recognising faces and sounds, as well as reacting/copying them
  • 8

    8-10 Months

    Can crawl
  • 9

    9 Months

    Noticing difference between animate and inanimate objects
  • 11

    11 Months

    Uses furniture as a steady
  • 12

    12 Months

    Pulls self to a standing position
  • 12

    12 Months

    Responds with sounds and movements
  • 12

    12 Months

    Enjoys books with pictures
  • 15

    15 Months

    Can walk alone well
  • 15

    15 Months

    Can squat and stand back up
  • 15

    15 Months

    Can handle stairs if holding hands
  • 18

    18 Months

    Can run, but will fall easily
  • 18

    18 Months

    Understanding words and responding to them
  • 24

    24 Months

    Can climb stairs without help
  • 24

    24 Months

    Can walk and jump well
  • 24

    24 Months

    Can kick a ball
  • 24

    24 Months

    Know difference between 'me' and 'you'
  • 24

    24 Months

    Learns from exploring
  • 36

    36 Months

    Can balance on one foot, for few seconds
  • 36

    36 Months

    Can jump longer distances
  • 36

    36 Months

    Can catch a ball
  • 36

    36 Months

    Respond to directions/commands
  • 36

    36 Months

    Imitate others, more complexly
  • 36

    36 Months

    Know who they are, and know what many objects are by name