The Gandhi Timeline

  • Birth

    Gandi K Mohandas was born on this day in Porbandar, India. He was born into a wealthy and a high caste.
  • Marriage

    Gandhi married his wife, Kasturba Kapadia. They are both only 13 years old. They stayed together for the rest of their respective lives, attending events with each other and standing by one another the whole way.
  • Lawfirm Job

    Gandhi took up a job at an Indian law firm located in South Africa. Through this job, he is quickly and surely enough shown the racial discrimination in the workplace and the world. He founded the Natal Indian Congress to agitate for Indian rights, through which he infused a spirit of solidarity in the heterogeneous Indian community. He began to beckon with the government, the legislature, and the press with closely reasoned statements of Indian grievances relating to such social issues.
  • New Implemented Law

    A discriminatory law is passed in South Africa forcing all Indians to have to register with the provincial government or else face punishment. Under Gandhi’s leadership the Indian community takes a pledge to defy the law and to suffer all the penalties resulting from its defiance. Gandhi is frequently jailed during the ensuing years. Thousands of other Indians are imprisoned, flogged, or shot. Though the law is abolished, racism discrimination is still practiced.
  • Imprisonment

    Gandhi becomes a leader in the Indian National Congress political party. Gandhi worked hard to reconcile all classes and religious sects and to reconnect the Hindus and Muslims. He helped launch a noncooperative campaign against Britain. This event contained launching urging Indians to spin their own cotton and to boycott British goods, courts, and government. Due to these events, he was imprisoned for 3 years roughly.
  • Rioting and Death

    Alas, after years of work, India achieves independence. However, the splitting of India and Pakistan isn't the most exciting to Gandhi. who has long worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. Rioting between Muslims and Hindus over the partition breaks out in many areas. Again Gandhi turns to nonviolence, fasting until Delhi rioters pledge peace. However, while traveling to Delhi, Gandhi is assassinated by a young Hindu fanatic who has wasn't happy with Gandhi's pushes for Hindu and Muslim reconciliation.