My Timeline

By EdithR
  • Birth

    I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, and when I was around a month old, my parents moved back to Mesa, AZ. When I was born, I wasn't breathing, so I ended up staying 10 days in the hospital.
  • Sister

    It was 5 days before my 3rd birthday, when my mom gave birth to my sister. My best friend. And ever since then, we have always been together, we are each others only best friends at times.
  • Baby sister

    Nine years later, once again, and last child, my mom gave birth to an almost 10 lb baby. She was big and purple. My dad actually fed her, sitting her on his lap.
  • Moving

    1-2 years after my little sister was born, we moved. And ever since, we have been living there, up until now. We have been living there for about 8(?) years.
  • New School

    Going to a new school is very nerve wrecking! I was going into 5th grade, while my sister was going into 4th grade. We were both so nervous thinking about starting fresh and going to a new school, that was foreign for us.
  • Jr. High School

    SO NERVE WRECKING!! Since I am the oldest, I was (and still am) the first one to experience a lot of things before my sisters!
  • Apart

    It was the most devastating moment in my life, and for my mom and my sisters. It was heartbreaking to see the pain my mother had to go through. I was barely 14 years old, a 12 year old sister and a 6 year old little girl. Having to watch our mother in depression, hardly eat; lose a lot of weight in 6-8 months, and wanting to finish with her pain as fast as she can. Our father leaving, having lived with us for 15 years, was a stab to the heart...(we do have little communication though)
  • High School

    Freshmen year was a bit rough for me, considering that I'm the oldest and coming to high school alone was scary. And still being in that pain that had happened in the beginning of the year, was rough. The first couple of weeks, I sat alone, because I didn't really know anybody and all my Jr. high friends had moved. Until a group of girls invited me to sit with them and I gladly accepted. Though some have moved already and others graduated my freshmen year.
  • Quince

    I wasn't going to have one, because one, we were still going through our rough time and it hadn't been a year yet, second, my mom didn't have any money to buy anything and third, we only had a month left until my birthday. The day we told my aunt and uncle about my dad (because they were the last persons to know he left) they asked my mom if she was going to make me one and if she didn't want to, that they would. So she agreed and with help from family and friends, I got to have my fifteen!
  • Now

    I've learned so much in my 18 years of life, that now I know who to trust and who not to trust. I've learned things the hard way, but not once will I ever want to change a single thing in my life, because if it weren't for those tough times, I wouldn't be where I am today, OR who I am today.