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  • 8000 BCE


    Biotechnology begins, as humans begin choosing or altering plants and livestock so they can be domesticated. Potatoes become the first cultivated food.
  • 4000 BCE

    Egyptians vino

    Egyptians vino
    Egyptians master the art of winemaking.
  • 2000 BCE


    Egyptians and Sumerians learn brewing and cheese making
  • 800 BCE

    Seed collection for replanting

    Seed collection for replanting
    Seed collection for replanting, in Mesopotamia used selective breeding in cattle year 800
  • 500 BCE


    In China, moldy soybean curds become the first antibiotic to treat infections and ailments
  • 300 BCE


    Greeks develop grafting techniques for plant breeding
  • 100


    The first insecticide is produced in China from powdered chrysanthemums.v
  • 1250

    Spirulina Algae

    Spirulina Algae
    The Aztecs used Spirulina algae to make cakes.
  • Sep 8, 1322


    Horses of a healthy upper race are artificially inseminated by an Arab leader.
  • 1380


    Vinegar manufacture began in France at the end of the 14th century.
  • Cell

    Robert Hooke, he applied his technical abilities to invent ways of controlling the height and angle of microscopes, as well as mechanisms of illumination. Variations in light allowed Hooke to see new detail, and he used multiple sources of illumination before producing any single drawing. When Hooke viewed a thin cutting of cork he discovered empty spaces contained by walls, and termed them pores, or cells.
  • Bacteria

    Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria in water. The bacteria were at the limit of observation of his microscope – he estimated that it would take more than 10,000 of them to fill the volume of a small grain of sand. Such was the brilliance of his work that nobody else observed bacteria until another century had passed.
  • Pox Vaccine

    Pox Vaccine
    Edward Jenner discovered the process of vaccination by inoculating a small boy with cowpox and then trying to re-infect him with smallpox. The boy recovered from the weaker cowpox infectionand thus became immune to smallpox. The cowpox virus was called ‘Vaccinia’, from the Latin word for cow, ‘Vacca’. This is how the word ‘Vaccine’ came into use.
  • The Escherichia coli bacterium

    The Escherichia coli bacterium
    This bacteria is discovered. It later becomes a major research, development and production tool for biotechnology. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a rod-shaped bacterium that lives in the gut of warm-blooded animals. It is a crucial tool in modern biotechnology. Scientists use E. coli to work with DNA and proteins from other organisms.
  • The creators of plants

    The creators of plants
    The creators of plants begin to use the theory of Darwin to cross different species of cotton and thus they manage to develop a superior variety of the plant.
  • Microorganisms

    The microorganisms are discovered.
  • The word "Biotechnology"

    The word "Biotechnology"
    The word biotechnology is used initially by the Hungarian engineer Karl Ereky.
  • Antibiotic

    Penicillin begins to be produced as a drug and used in humans as an antibiotic.
  • Double helix of the DNA molecule.

    Double helix of the DNA molecule.
    Watson and Crick describe the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
  • Biorobotics

    Biorobotics, It is the science and the branch of engineering dedicated to the development of systems that present characteristics of biological systems.
  • Natural cloning

    Natural cloning
    The cloning of an organism is to create a new organism with the same genetic information as an existing cell. It is a method of asexual reproduction
  • Proteins

    Obtaining proteins of natural origin
  • Recombinant DNA

    Recombinant DNA
    It is a deliberate artificial DNA molecule. Allows the addition of a new DNA to the organism leading to the modification of features
  • Descubrimiento de la composición del ADN humano.

    Descubrimiento de la composición del ADN humano.
    This research concludes that chimpanzees and humans have 99% of the basic DNA sequence in common. They have set in 6 million years the time they have evolved separately chimpanzees and hominids THE ONLY SURVIVOR OF THE LATEST IS THE CURRENT HOMO SAPIENS.

    It has been more than 30 years since the virus that causes AIDS was discovered and we are still without a vaccine to stop this disease. And, although a cure is not expected very soon, there is optimism in the scientific world for the great advances that have been achieved in recent years in the fight against this pandemic.

    Breast cancer is usually generated by inheritance, most of the cases family members over time generate this disease, whether it is breast cancer, colo, etc. The advance of this terrible disease is that to avoid it or realize it in time, there are frequent checkups, if they are not checked and the disease is already in some mammary gland, it is advisable to remove the chest so that later they make x-rays or chemotherapy, to have a better quality of life.
  • First sequence of the first genome of a plant

     First sequence of the first genome of a plant
    First complete map of a plant called Arabidopsis thaliana.
    The "RICE GOLD" was created by Igo Potrikus along with Peter Beyer. This rice was created to produce beta-carotenes (which is the natural precursor of vitamin A). In addition to this, they sought to improve the health of the most unprotected people and vulnerable to diseases and visual ailments.
  • First cloned mascot.

     First cloned mascot.
    It was the first trancision of DNA.
  • The FDA approves the first drug

     The FDA approves the first drug
    First medimaneto for the heart for black race, the medicine only fit in the gene of them.
  • Corn against pests

    Corn against pests
    This type of corn was created and genetically changed for the eradication of pests.
  • Bolivia.

    Bolivia enters the great by the use of biotechnology in soy.
  • Plant crops

    Plant crops
    25 countries planted genetically modified crops, in order to be resistant to insects, viruses and fungi, as well as hervicides and insecticides.