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    Ancient Greeks used performance enhancing drugs

    Ancient Greeks used performance enhancing drugs
    Ancient Greeks used performence enhancing drugs from 750 BCE - 500. They animal hearts and testicles.
  • Period: 101 to

    No resources found for drug use in sports

  • French Cyclist take Cocaine to fight Hunger

    French Cyclist take Cocaine to fight Hunger
  • Period: to

    Performance enhasting drugs were used in Olympics

  • First rule against doping

    First rule against doping
  • First Athlete to die in Olypmpics due Doping

    First Athlete to die in Olypmpics due Doping
  • First Drug testing at Olypmpics

    First Drug testing at Olypmpics
  • First Olypmic Athlete disqualified because of doping

    First Olypmic Athlete disqualified because of doping
  • Suprise Drug testing at Pan Am Games leads many athletes to withdraw from competition

    Suprise Drug testing at Pan Am Games leads many athletes to withdraw from competition
  • Ben Johnson stripped of gold medal after positive drug test

    Ben Johnson stripped of gold medal after positive drug test
  • Irish Swimmer Suspended for Pouring Whiskey into Urine Sample to Mask Doping

    Irish Swimmer Suspended for Pouring Whiskey into Urine Sample to Mask Doping
  • Lance Armstrong stripped of 7 gold medals at Tour de France after 2 year investigation

    Lance Armstrong stripped of 7 gold medals at Tour de France after 2 year investigation