Biologists who helped in our understanding of DNA

By edezort
  • Oswald Avery isolates DNA

    Oswald Avery isolates DNA
    Isolated DNA as the material that genes and chromosomes are made of. This discovery made all of our other knowledge of DNA possible. This discovery started the field of molecular biology entirely.
  • Evelyn Witkin isolated a UV radiation-resistant mutant of E. coli

    Evelyn Witkin isolated a UV radiation-resistant mutant of E. coli
    Evelyn witkin isolated a uv radiation resistant mutant of E. coli. this was the first time that anyone had isolated this form of E. coli.
  • Erwin Chargaff proposed the existence of base pairs

    Erwin Chargaff proposed the existence of base pairs
    Erwin Chargaff proposed te exisnce of base pairs. Adenine to Thymine, and guanine to cytosine. knowing this informtion is important togenetic engineering. Bkowing bse pairs scientists cn add or remove a pair tochange an entire DNA sequence or just one gene.
  • George Gey cultures and experiments with HeLa cells

    George Gey cultures and experiments with HeLa cells
    George Gey discovered HeLa cells taken from henrietta lacks. HeLa cells are cervical cancer cells that are immortal and can be used for testing. This is important because HeLa cells are used for testing in all different fields of science.
  • Rosalind Franklin produced x-ray crystallography pictures of bDNA

    Rosalind Franklin produced x-ray crystallography pictures of bDNA
    Rosalind Franklin produced x-ray crystallography picuresof bDNA. thesse pictures helped James Watson and Francis Crick discover the double stranded structure of DNA.
  • Hershey-Chase blender experiment

    Hershey-Chase blender experiment
    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase conducted a blender experiment that roved that phage DNA and not protein is the genetic material. this information s used in forensics (DNA fingerprinting) and genealogy.
  • James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA

  • Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob

    Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob discovered how genes were turned on and off. This is extremely important to genetic engineering because in turning a gene on or off you could be improving someones quality of life.
  • Leland Hartwell

    discovers many of the genes involved in protein synthesis and the cell cycle. this helps scientists to better understand the cell cycle with these genes as "check points"
  • Mary-Claire KIng

    Mary- Claire King proved the existence of the first gene to be related to hereditary breast cancer. this is an important discovery because if a patient has tis gene their chances of developing breast cancer are much higher.