
  • sevenmessine

    I was born on January 20, 2005, and I was seven months old, the doctors said that I was a potential premature
  • 3 months

    3 months
    At 3 months I had surgery to remove two umbilical hernias
  • Accident

    When I was 6 years old, I was going down the street with my mother, my sister and my 2 cousins, when when I wanted to cross a street there was a motorcycle on the opposite corner, but my mother did not see it start, and the motorcycle managed to push me and the tires of the motorcycle passed me by the hand
  • father figure

    father figure
    In January 2011, my aunt and my grandfather arrived from the USA, who have been a father figure to me.
  • Grandmother's birthday

    Grandmother's birthday
    April 20, 2016 was my grandmother's 60th birthday, and we went as a family to celebrate in the forest, with many games, it was a lot of fun, without a doubt one of the best family plans
  • fringe

    In 2018 I made myself the fringe, and although it sounds insignificant, it was important, because I took off one of my biggest insecurities
  • Pandemic

    In March 2020 the coronavirus pandemic began, which without a doubt, is an event that I will not forget, living in a different way
  • my fifteen years

    my fifteen years
    On January 20, 2020 I turned 15 years old, and although it was not possible to have my party, which I wanted so much, I was able to spend it with all my family and close friends, and it was very pleasant, and I enjoyed it a lot.
  • High school admission

    High school admission
    In 2020 I entered the College of Sciences and Humanities, without having gone to the preparation course for said exam, it was one of my greatest achievements
  • piercing

    On June 26, 2021 I did the navel piercing, and although it might sound something so pathetic, for me it was important, because I was going through a bad time psychologically, and I did it to "close cycles", it was worth it. , and it served me