
Biography of Mahatma Gandhi

  • Birth of Mahatma Gandhi

    Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
    He was born in Porbandar, India with his parents putlibai Gandhi karamchand Gandhiy, he is the youngest of four children.
  • Gandhi marries Kasturba

    Gandhi marries Kasturba
    Gandhi married at thirteen with Kasturba of the same age, who his father had conceived him and also continued studying in high school.
  • Great Britain trip

    Great Britain trip
    It was in this year that he decided to travel to study law, and his first child was also born.
  • Work in south africa

    Work in south africa
    He accepted a one-year employment contract with an Indian company that operated in his native South Africa, he was interested in the situation of 150,000 compatriots who resided there fighting against laws that discriminate against Indians.
  • Front of the Indian nationalist movement

    Front of the Indian nationalist movement
    Gandhi openly belonged to the front of the Indian nationalist movement, he restored novel methods of social struggle such as the hunger strike and rejected the armed struggle, he carried out a preaching of ahmsa (non-violence) to resist British rule.
  • Alliance for Government of India

    Alliance for Government of India
    Gandhi founded this movement to protest finding the British, since in that way they would obtain their independence peacefully.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    Gandhi continued to protest with his people in a pacifist way, he did not participate in the Second World War.
  • Death of his wife

    Death of his wife
    His wife died in 1944 while he was on a twenty-one-day fast.
  • Death of Mahatma Gandhi

    Death of Mahatma Gandhi
    Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a religious fanatic contrary to his ideology.