Billie, Chey, Aly

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Marbury was denied an appointment as a Justice of the Peace and sued. Court set up the power of judicial review.
  • Strawbridge v. Curtiss

    Federal diversity jurisdiciton.
  • Fletcher v Peck

    Fletcher v Peck
    Property rights
  • Gibson v. Ogden

    Gibson v. Ogden
    Congressional power to regulate interstate commerce
  • Swift v. Tyson

    Swift v. Tyson
    Tyson purchased certain land from speculators, unaware that they did not own it. The bill of exchange Tyson had given for the land eventually was given to Swift to satisfy a debt owed by the speculators
  • Nix v. Hedden

    Nix v. Hedden
    Status of the tomato as fruit or vegetable.
  • Holden v. Hardy

    Holden v. Hardy
    Working hours of minors.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Roe v. Wade was about two people disagreeing about abortions. One thought you should be able to have one with limits of course. The other said it should be illegal.
  • Knox v. Service Employees International Union

    Knox v. Service Employees International Union
    California nonunion state employees sued their collective bargaining agent, alleging that the imposition of an additional agency fee assessment used to fund political actions without notice or an opportunity to object violated their First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights.