Big Bang

  • 1 CE

    The Start of it All

    The Big Bang is said by and astronmer Geroge Lemitre, happened about 13.8 billion years ago.
  • 2

    Tectonic plates

    The first movement of the tectonic plates
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    Proto-Earth forms
  • 4


    The formation of the moon happen
  • 4


    The oceans of Earth form
  • 13


    Methuselah is the oldest star known
  • 1060


    Cosmic Microwave and Background(CMB) was the light released(redshift) from the transition that still exists today. The discovery was by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. Since then the CMB is used to tell us about the total structure and content of the cosmos.
  • Einstein's Laws of Gravitation

    Einstein's Laws explains gravity as a distortion of space is caused by the presence of matter or energy.
  • Proposed the Theory

    George had got his PhD from MIT and that's when he proposed the theory that the universe expanding was the same in all directions.
  • Ralph Alpher and George Gamow

    Ralph and George calculated that the Universe was extremely hot and dense.