
  • My Grandma

    She taught me a lot as a kid and gave me a lot of wisdom that helps me deal with people
  • My Mom

    My mom has been a great influence in my life for as long as I can think of for being a good teacher and parent
  • My Dad

    My dad was my hero as a kid and as a teenager he has been like a friend to me
  • My Uncle

    My uncle was there for me since I was a kid and he gives good and relatable advice when I need it. He's like a friend to me
  • My Grandpa

    He also gave me a lot of advice as a kid because I'd go to his house on weekends
  • Birth

    I have a purpose and I was created by God
  • Hospital

    I went to the hospital for a throat infection and slept there for a couple days
  • Europe

    I went to Europe for the first time
  • Mr. Yon

    He was my Roots teacher and was a great influence in MS
  • First day of HS

    That day was cool to me because as a kid I always looked at HS kids as old and cool and I discovered it wasn't true at all.
  • Badminton Coach

    Mr. Chan has pushed me to be a better version of myself and has been vocal about what I need to improve on
  • Oxford

    I went to Oxford to take a leadership course. Had a lot of fun.
  • Hiking

    These past few months I went hiking a lot and it helped me to stay fit and helped me to be more of a leader
  • Lantau Peak Hiking

    Some guys got stuck and it was a tough time but we worked together and got them out safely
  • CTY

    was a fun summer camp I went to and met some cool people
  • Old Church Pastor

    Her name is Genevieve and she was my old teacher when I went to church
  • 9th Grade WWW

    I had a lot of fun and it exposed me to a culture I didn't really know previously. Gave me some confidence to be a leader
  • 2019 Christmas

    I went snowboarding and discovered my new favorite sport
  • Violin Teacher

    He is my friend and he teaches in a unique way through our relationship
  • Lee Chong Wei

    He is a famous badminton player and an inspiration to me.