Between the Wars

  • Period: to

    Between the wars

    Germany's economy and military between the wars
  • Germany Is Forced To Sign The Treaty of Versaille

    Germany Is Forced To Sign The Treaty of Versaille
    The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • Nazi Party is Formed

    Nazi Party is Formed
    Group created because of anger towards World War 1 and government ( Adolf Hitler joins )
  • Adolf Hitler Attempts Government Coup

    Adolf Hitler Attempts Government Coup
    Adolf Hitler and his followers attempted a government coup in 1923 that failed and he was in prison for 9 months for treason , but he gained more publicity because of it.
  • Germany's Great Depression

    Germany's Great Depression
    In 1929, the stock market in wall street crashed and the German economy was especially vulnerable, since it was built upon foreign capital. The German economy collapsed over night and millions were unemployed.
  • Hitler is named chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is named chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler runs for president in 1932 but loses to president Paul Von Hindenburg. Although his loss , President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler as the chancellor of Germany (Head of the military) because of his popularity by many Germans
  • Germany triples size of there military

    Germany triples size of there military
    In 1933 , adolf hitler (Chancellor of Germany) triples the size of the German military violating the treaty of versailles.
  • Germany creates anti semitic laws against Jews

    Germany creates anti semitic laws against Jews
    Germany creates laws that prohibits jews from working, voting, and public spaces because they believe the jews were the reason they lost World War I
  • President Von Hindenburg Dies

    President Von Hindenburg Dies
    On August 2, 1934 president Von Hindenburg dies which leaves the public to vote for a new president
  • Hitler declares himself Fuhrer

    Hitler declares himself Fuhrer
    After the death of president Von Hindenburg , Hitler declared himself Fuhrer (absolute dictator) which leaves him in absolute power of Germany