20170925 152046

Better Together Project Activities

  • Period: to

    Better Together Project Activities

    Here is the detailed plan of the project
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    Partners' introducing themselves

    Teachers add their school on Zeemaps
    Introduce themselves on the padlet
    Add their logos on the padlet
    Zeemaps : http://j.mp/2yQNHMq
    Padlet : https://padlet.com/aylinleventoglu/y2pnd5wz6dz8
    Padlet for the teachers' logos : https://padlet.com/aylinleventoglu/will8oe5rtkd
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    City and the school introduction

    Each partner will introduce her/ his city and school by using a Web 2 tool.
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    Partners taking permission from parents and adding the students to twinspace

    We will take the permissions from parents
    We will add our students to twinspace
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    Students' posters and logos

    Students will prepare posters and logos for the project
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    Voting for the poster and the logo of the project

    Students will vote for the poster and the logo they like and the winners will be the project's official poster and logo. The Tricider will be prepared for the election.
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    Students' introduction of themselves

    Each partner will create a padlet and the students of the partner will introduce themselves on their teacher's padlet. Each teacher will add the link to the Padlet that will be created for this.