Best Practices: Personalized Learning

By bsorter
  • Student Programs & Services Kick Off

    Student Programs & Services Kick Off
    Transition Teachers attend kick off training session focussed on Personalized Learning for adult students
  • Online Career Assessments

    Online Career Assessments
    Teachers are instructed in various online career assessments (e.g., California Career Cafe (, California Career Zone (
  • Student Facilitated IEP

    Student Facilitated IEP
    Teachers are instructed on using PowerPoint to create student portfolios. iPad photos & videos are embedded to showcase a student meeting an IEP goal.
  • Video Modeling (Flipped Learning)

    Teachers are instructed in how to use video modeling to re-teach a lesson. Students will be recorded performing a task. Students will then view the video at home with their families to repeat the task in a different setting with parent support. Videos based on individual student needs for independent living skills.
  • Student Digital Portfolios (end of year project)

    Teachers learn how to pdf and create digital student portfolios for students who are aging out of the school system. They will take everything created all year for the student and place in a digital file. Creating files in Google drive to share resources with Inland Regional Center, Dept. of Rehab, and families. (Per FERPA guidelines).