Benkert Adventures

  • Car pile up (Historical Event)

    Car pile up (Historical Event)
    The day I was born there was a huge car pile-up on the highway. This allowed me and my mom to go home early from the hospital.
  • Dad stayed home with me

    Dad stayed home with me
    My dad ended up starting up his own business from home after I was born. This allowed us to grow closer together.
  • Born

    I was going to be the only child!
  • Walking

    I had learned how to walk! This was the year I was able to get around better on my own without any help.
  • Bathroom

    I was potty trained and no longer needed any help. This made things way easier for my parents.
  • Tonsils

    I had to get my tonsils removed by getting surgery. The surgery was needed to allow me to sleep better throughout the night.
  • First pet

    First pet
    I had a surprise birthday present this year. It ended up being a puppy that we named Colt.
  • Barack Obama Election (Historical Event)

    Barack Obama Election (Historical Event)
    Barack Obama, the first-ever African American president was elected in 2009. I was only three years old when he was elected, but I remember learning some about him in elementary school.
  • Second pet

    Second pet
    This year around Christmas time my family made the choice to rescue a dog that was abused. He was the exact same breed as the other dog we had and we ended up naming him Tiny.
  • Cousin

    My first cousin on my dad's side was born. This was going to be my 5th and final cousin that was added to my family.
  • Quad

    My love for being outside was always something me and my family had taken advantage of. They had got me my first four-wheeler for Christmas this year.
  • Grandma

    My grandma was starting to get sick this year and go downhill. She had been over at my house one night and ended up fainting and having to go to the emergency room.
  • Death

    My grandma ended up passing away. She was someone that was almost like a third parent to me. She was always helping to take care of me as well as babysitting me while mom and dad had work.
  • Pool

    We put in our pool this year to create some happy memories after some rough ones that happened the previous years.
  • Dad's Business

    Dad's Business
    Dad's business was still growing and only on an upward slope. He ended up working full-time from home!
  • Pond

    My cousin had ended up getting pushed into a pond this year while I was watching him and a few other boys. My cousin Ian was not a very strong swimmer at the time.
  • Pawley's

    This was the first trip to South Carolina, Pawley's Island that I was able to remember. I had been going my whole life since I was a baby.
  • High school

    High school
    It was a new world, I was not so little anymore. It was a new experience and a new time in my life that I had to get used to.
  • COVID (Historical Event)

    COVID (Historical Event)
    In early March of 2020, COVID lockdowns began around the United States. It began to affect everyone around the world.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I had wanted to work since I was young, and I was finally old enough to start my first job. I was going to work at the ice arena not too far from my house.
  • Death

    I ended up having to put both of my dogs down this year due to old age/diabetes. It was a weird moment in my life because I had these dogs since I was about four years old.
  • Puppy

    I got my new puppy, who we named Copper. I had to readjust after my summer break to create time for training my new dog.
  • College

    This will be a new adventure, and I am not sure where this year will take me yet.