Day of Birth
I was born on this day at 9:30 AM and I weighed 7 pounds. My mother had to get cut open to get me out and it was bad. It was important because I was born and ready to start life. -
My First Vacation
On this day I went on my first vacation ever. It was also my first time going out of the country. I met my favorite cousin on that vacation to Switzerland. It was important because life changed dramaticaly for me. -
Scariest Moment of My Life
This day was the scariest day of my life because I was up north and I was on a really big hill and I slipped off it. It was a really big and scary hill so I obvioulsy cried after I fell. It was important because it changed the way I live. -
First Time becoming a Gamer
On this day it was my birthday and it was a very special day for me. I got my first gameboy and I was pumped. I played it everyday and never put it down. This meant a lot to me because it kept me quiet, productive and my parents happy. -
First Time becoming a Athlete
On this day I played my first sport and it was soccer. I was the best and the fastest on the field. I accidently kicked people in the face but that's okay. This section of my life was meaningful because I followed my fathers footsteps in being an athlete. -
1st Time Coming in 2nd Place
On this day I got my first medal and came in 2nd place in my soccer leauge. I was sad we didn't come in first but that's okay beacuse it's not all about wining. This day changed me because it made me realize I have to work harder to be better at soccer. -
First Time in Mexico
This was my first trip ever to Mexico. Also my first time in a very warm climate. Everyone spoke Spanish there and it was scary to me because I didn't understand them. This event changed me because it made me learn about other cultures. -
Breaking my First Bone
On this day I was at school outside playing football. I caught the football then fell down and the another kid fell on me and it broke my colar bone. This moment was important because it was a new experience. -
My First Trophy
On this day I played my first basketball leauge. My team ended up winning and I was really happy. That was the day I got my first trophy. It was important to me because I still have the trophy. -
Meeting My Best Friend
On this day I met my bestest friend at gym. We were playing basketball and yeah that's how we met. this day changed me because he is still my best friend and I have someone to talk to when I need them. -
Guinne Pig is Gone
On this day my little brothers guinne pig died. It was very sad and my little brother cried. It was important because my family changed. -
The End of the World
On this day everyone thought the world was going to end. It was pretty funny and I did not think it was going to happen. It was important because it changed how I live and how I want to do things. -
The Best Day Ever
On this day I asked the one special girl if she could be mine. She said yes and I was so happy. It was important because she is my first girlfriend and she changed me in the best possible way. -
The Special Moment
On this day I was on vacation and I went to Vegas. Not only that I was in Vegas but if was the first moment that I realized that I was in love. This emotion changed me because she is my first love and life can't get any better from this point on. -
Best Gift Ever
On this day my best friend hooked me up with this one amazing, 1 in a trillion girl. She is absolutely amazing and my best friend couldnt give me a better gift than that. She honestly could not make me happier than I am. This whole event had a big influence on me because she changed my life and made me a much much much better person than I was before.