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Bella Gavin

  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
    First girl of three boys
  • First time on baseball team

    First time on baseball team
    I loved it because my family and I would always practice in my backyard with each other because all 3 of my brothers played and my dad coached. (my mom would make us food and stuff)
  • First day of elementary

    First day of elementary
    I went to Oppe Elementary
  • met my bestfriend

    met my bestfriend
    Met sunny Higgins
  • Made all stars in baseball

    I was the only girl on the team haha
  • First time playing volley ball

    First time playing volley ball
    I played at moody Methodist until for 4 years until I moved on to club
  • Oldest brother graduates high school!

    Oldest brother graduates high school!
    His name is Avery
  • Made 2nd in finals for club volleyball

  • Second oldest brother graduates high school!

    His name is Aiden
  • Announced president of NJHS

    Announced president of NJHS
    7th grade
  • Braces

    I have to have them on for 18 months...
  • Family Dance

    Family Dance
    Family dance is like a ball i go to every year. You have to have a membership, bring a date and you have to be 13 or older to go.
  • Youngest brother graduates high school!

    Youngest brother graduates high school!
    His name is Keegan
  • Ball high baseball playoffs

    My older brother Keegan, is the starting pitcher for Ball high and made it to playoffs
  • Make BHS volleyball team

  • Came in 1st finals for volleyball

    Came in 1st finals for volleyball
  • First year at highschool

    First year at highschool
    I'm going to Ball High
  • Bahamas

    I'm going with my friend Emily.
  • Make student council

    Make student council
    I want to be president or any position
  • Braces off

    Braces off
    I had them on for 18 months
  • Make NHS sophomore year

    Make NHS sophomore year
    Get announced president of NHS.
  • First car

    First car
    ( This is my birthday)... will be fine with any car I get.
  • Prom Junior and senior year

    Prom Junior and senior year
    I will get a prom house both years... hopefully
  • Graduate high school!

    Graduate high school!
  • First year at Baylor

    First year at Baylor
    Spent 4 years here getting my bachelors degree
  • Get my bachelor's degree

    Get my bachelor's degree
    Now I can enroll to medical school!
  • First year at Baylor's medical school

    First year at Baylor's medical school
    Intern at a hospital
  • Marry my husband

    Marry my husband
  • Enroll in surgical residency

    Enroll in surgical residency
  • Have a big family

    Have a big family
    I want at least 3 kids
  • Licensing and Board Certification from residency

    I will get this after my 5-6 year residency
  • Cardiovascular surgeon full time

    Cardiovascular surgeon full time
    I've always wanted to be one