20090902 ivan pavlov


  • Ivan Pavlov - Sept. 14th, 1849 - Feb. 27th, 1936

    Ivan Pavlov - Sept. 14th, 1849 - Feb. 27th, 1936
  • Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species

    Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
    At the end of 1859 Darwin's publication of On the Origin of Species explained natural selection in detail and presented evidence leading to increasingly wide acceptance of the occurrence of evolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution
  • Reflexes of the Brain was Published

    Ivan Sechenov's Reflexes of the Brain was published. This introduced the concept of inhibatory responses in the central nervous system.
  • John Watson - Jan. 9th, 1878 - Sept 25th, 1958

    John Watson - Jan. 9th, 1878 - Sept 25th, 1958
  • Thorndike developed law of effect

    Edward Thorndike developed the 'Law of Effect' which is part of the social learning theory.
  • Sigmund Freud presents his concepts of psychoanalysis in a publication entitled "The Interpretation of Dreams."

  • B.F. Skinner - March 20th, 1904 - Aug. 18th, 1990

    B.F. Skinner - March 20th, 1904 - Aug. 18th, 1990
  • Pavlov publishes first conditioning studies

    Pavlov publishes first conditioning studies
    Ivan Pavlov publishes his findings regarding classical conditioning (aka Pavlovian conditioning).
  • Thorndike: Animal Intelligence

  • John B. Watson publishes Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It, launching the influential behaviorism movement

  • World War I begins

  • Little Albert Experiment

    Little Albert Experiment
    John B Watson & Rosalie Rayner experiment with clasical conditioning
  • Tolman presents "a new formula for behaviorism"

  • Collapse of the New York Stock Market

    The collapse of the New York Stock Market and causes the depression - depression follows next year in Europe
  • Skinner publishes his first paper on conditioning

    Skinner publishes his first paper on conditioning
  • 1932 Jean Piaget: The Moral Judgement of the Child

    1932  Jean Piaget: The Moral Judgement of the Child
    Begining of Cognitive theory
  • Hitler sworn in as Chancellor: basic civil rights suspended "to protect the German people"

     Hitler sworn in as Chancellor:  basic civil rights suspended "to protect the German people"
  • B.F. Skinner publishes Behavior of Organisms, introducing operant conditioning.

  • World War II begins

  • Psychodynamicss initially developed

    Psychodynamics was initially developed by Ernst von Brücke, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Melanie Klein.[6][5] By the mid 1940s and into the 1950s, the general application of the "psychodynamic theory" had been well established.
  • Edward Thorndike - Aug. 31st - Aug. 9th, 1949

    Edward Thorndike - Aug. 31st - Aug. 9th, 1949
  • Bandura introduces the idea of observational learning

  • Albert Bandura: Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis

    Albert Bandura: Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis