Battle of Boyaca

  • Battle of Boyaca

    The battle of boyaca was the most decisive engagement of Colombian Independence. The culmination of a campaign started in May by a spanish leader by the name of Simón Bolívar.
  • The first battle

    The clash of the war first started on August 7th, 1819, at Boyaca about 10 miles southwest of Tunja in the road of Bogota. There was an army of Venezuelans, New Grandans, British
  • Capturing

    Then Bolivar captured bogota, on august 10 and was hailed as the liberator of new Granada. He set up a limited government with Santander, as vice president and acting ahead. Then Bolivar went to Angostura in Venezuela, where he announced his plan to establish the Republic of Gran Colombia.
  • Final Encounter

    On June 25 1820, The final encounter in Boyaca occured when Bolivar attacked a main force a half mile away. He captured almost 2,000 prisoners and a spanish commander.
  • Not yet over?

    On May 23 of 1822 the Spanish had a huge victory against the liberals. Liberals are people who want freedom and for everyone to be equal.
  • Spanish were removed

    On July 26, 1822 the Spanish were removed from Latin America. Simon Bolivar invaded them and brought his army and defeated them.
  • Signing Independence

    On August 6th, 1826 Simon Bolivar signed the Colombian independence. It is called the Bolivian Constitution 1826.