Bastiaan Cornelius van Fraassen DOB: 04/05/1941
Bas van Fraassen has made many contributions to the philosophy of science including physics, space and time, quantum statistics, and the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. -
Bastiaan Cornelius van Fraassen DOB: 04/05/1941
Fraassen had many accomplishments, and the contribution to the philosophy of science. One is in his book "The Scientific Image" (1980) he offered to develop a empiricist alternative to logical positivist and scientific realism. Here is where we see constructive empiricm, in his definition means " Science aims to give us theories which are empirically adequate, and acceptance of a theory involves as belief only that it is empirically adequate" (Image,1980) -
Basitaan Cornelius van Fraassen DOB: 04/05/1941
Fraassen's second contribution is also better known as " Laws and Symmetry." In his book he attempts to lay the ground-work for explaining physical activities without assuming that such events are persuaded by laws to change their behavior. -
Bastiaan Cornelius van Fraassen DOB: 04/05/1941
Bas van Fraassen begin to extensively contribute to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. He had stated that quantum mechanics has three stages: First stage you examine the question of whether and how this phenomena requires a theory and what they require. Second stage is the mathematical foundation of quantum theory. And finally is the interpretation that attempts to stay with the original idea, without leaving a serious hole in the quantum theory. -
MLA Citations
Ernan McMullin, "Van Fraassen's Unappreciated Realism," Philosophy of Science. 70, no.3 (July 2003): 455-478 Fraassen, Bas C. van. Quantum Mechanics: An Empiricist View. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1991 -
Bastiaan Cornelius van Fraassen DOB: 04/05/1940
This is an interview with van Fraassen as he discusses the scopes and limits of science.