Ballet Russes Wars

  • Ballet Russes arrives in Paris

    Ballet Russes arrives in Paris
    Diaghilev selected the cast of Russian dancers to start his new company.
  • Serge Diaghilev dies

    Serge Diaghilev dies
    His company and dancers were left with no work.
  • The recreation of Ballet Russes begins

    The recreation of Ballet Russes begins
    George Balanchine became the dance master and choreographer.
  • The First season of the new company

    The First season of the new company
    Wasily de Basil and Rene Blum name the new company Ballet Russes de Monte-Carlo.
  • The Massine Era of Ballet begins

    The Massine Era of Ballet begins
    After Basil and Blum kicks out Balachine and replaces him with Massine.
  • Ballet Russes de Monte-Carlo begins its tour in America.

    Ballet Russes de Monte-Carlo begins its tour in America.
    Although american didn't now much about ballet.
  • Monte-Carlo had performed for 3 million people in america

    Monte-Carlo had performed for 3 million people in america
  • Blum resigned from the company.

    Massine later left as well creating a war between Massine and Basil over the Ballet Russes.
  • Massine won the rights

    Leaving Basil to rename his new company "The Original Ballet Russes"
    Dancer has to choose between one or the other
  • Massine lost all rights to his choreography

    Massine lost all rights to his choreography
    Causing him to have to create new ballets.
  • War was declared between Britain and France

    War was declared between Britain and France
    Both companies were able to make it out to america
  • Both companies continued to work

    But when Sol Hurok decided to provide work for both, companies he had conflict with Basil.
  • Hurok declared Basil as the most difficult person to work with

    Hurok declared Basil as the most difficult person to work with
    Basil found himself without work in america so he took his company on a tour in Latin America.
  • Basil's company has their last preformance

    Basil's company has their last preformance
    After Hurok and were back on good terms the companies were to exhausted to tour, Hurok abandoned the company along with the dancers.
  • Monte-Carlo was at the top of the charts

    Monte-Carlo was at the top of the charts
    They crossed over into dance films but later Massine lost his touch and could not create another master piece.
  • Monte-Carlo hires american choreographer Agnes de Mille

    Monte-Carlo hires american choreographer Agnes de Mille
    This began the True American Ballet