Bulgarian treaty of san stefano
Began liberation from the ottomans was built upon much like U.S and Britan, and it established Bulgarian borders and its autonomous rule. -
Olympic Games
the first modern Olympic Games started in athen to build a good friendship among different countries. -
Bulgarian independence from Ottoman empire recognized
The Bulgarian abandonment left the Ottoman empire to collapse. -
Balkan Wars
Grecce gains power over turkish crontrolled land including Crete and southern Macedonia. And now they are all independet countries. -
Ottoman rule in europe ends after 5 centuries
Macedonia is partitoned between Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece -
Ottoman empire collapses into turkey
A new constitution, which the parilament adopted on october 29 replaced the constitution of the Ottoman empire. And thats important, cause that makes the situation with the countries and stuff how it is now. -
Bulgarian king simeon ousted
Led Bulgaria to become a Soviet Satellite, and suffer from poverty until the fall of communism. -
Algerian war of independence from French rule
Showed France Algerians wanted independence which the new ruler De'Gaulle granted them -
Foundation of the republic of Cyprus
Coup d'etat in Cyprus
Revolutionaries attempted to put the island of cyprus under Greek control. This upset turkish Cyprots, and turkey called in a military intervention -
Turkey and greece and only on island
Turkey invades Cyprus, after a last-minute talks in the Greek capital, Athens, failed to reach a solution. The Turks have made it clear they will not settle for anything less than the removal of the newly-imposed Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Sampson. and so they did and Cyprus is now independent between the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey. -
Fall of Communism
The fall of communism is important because it allowed countries under communism to hold elections and join the west in economic success. -
revolt in albania
people of albania took to streets to protest fraud in investments
this led to a transfer of power to a socialist government, but protest continued. -
Cyprus joins EU
Northerrn Cyprus wasnt included because it claims it is a seperate country. It is only recognized by Turkey. This situation is not unlike palestinian territories by which neither are UN recognized and want independence. -
Turkey in the EU
EU leader agree to open talks in 2005 on turkeys EU aceession, the decision was made at a summit in Brussel, follows a deal over an EU demand that Turkey recignition Cyprus as an EU menber. Turkey is now a member of the EU. -
Macedonia EU membership
Macedonia become a candidate for the eu membership. And that is very important, because now they just have more ways to go and to be a part of the EU can change a lot of things in the better way. -
albania files for UN candidacy
It shows albania wants to take part in world affairs and has its own government under control. -
Greece Crisis
Greece is in a major debt crisis to avoid bankruptcy, the Greek government gets $61 million from the European Union. But it still not helps and Grecce is still in the crisis and it probably effect the rest of the world too. -
Macedonia goes to to NATO
International Court of Justice in the hague rules that greece was wrong to block macedonia bid to join NATO in 2008, because of the problem over his name.