Screenshot 2017 01 25 at 11.08.42 am

(Bad Things In Canada´s Past)

  • World War I

    World War I
    Canada participated in WWI and allied the British empire, Serbia, Russia and France against the German and Austro-Hungarian empires.
  • Dust bowl

    Dust bowl
    Dust bowl was a famous story when at a farm in America . A Hugh disaster that Happend. and many of things were destroyed
  • World war Il

    World war Il
    World war ll was the biggest war ever. Many of things were destroyed and lots of people died and were killed!
  • Isis

    Isis is a crew that do terrible things such as killing,shooting,beating,blowing up things and suicide bombing
  • (Twin towers airplane crash)

    (Twin towers airplane crash)
    On September 11 2001 there were bad people on the plane and they had a plan to hijack the plane and they crashed it into the twin towers and killed many of people and injured many of people