Bad life

By xrendan
  • Knocked up!

    I knock up a chick drunk at a party she refuses to have an abortion
  • Brett is born!!

    The court has mandated that I pay 30% of my wage directly to supporting the kid. I have decided to leave her it's not worth my time. I have given full custody to her and her family they are out of my life except for the money.
  • Cost of raising a kid

    For a college application form I had to write a paper on the cost of being a single parent. wow it's a lot. for their fith year of living (how old brrett is) 11000$ what I am obligated to pay by the court is about a tenth of that i feel kind of bad for her but its not my problem I dont even know if she has time for herself anymore maybe her parents will babysit but I think they might have disowned her
  • Brett turns 10!

    I have decided to risk not paying child support I am off to university in Boston so I doubt they'll be able to find me but if they do I mightn go to jail be fined or even my property ceased
  • Jail

    After a year of evading child support payments I have been deported back to Canada and sentenced to 18 months of prison this interupts my studying at MIT greatly it sucks. I also have to pay a 5000$ fine as well as the payments urrg I'm so stupid
  • Get out of jail

    I have just gotten out of jail, now my parents are trying to get the mother of my child back together they're threatening to disown me if I don't try. They want to have Brett back into their lives but I don't
  • Last day of payments

    I'm done paying for the kid, but my life is now royally screwed up theres almost nothing I can do with it. I'm broke barely being able to support myself. My family has disowned me for not trying to help fix my relationship i might as welljust fade into nonexistance, live without civilisation.
  • Death

    I have gone to the amazon jungle and have terminated all relations with the outside world, I am currently being chased by leopards so I am pretty sure this will be my last entry over and out.