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Background of the time of the independence

  • The Ilustration

    The Ilustration
    Rosseau, Voltaire ándale Montesqueau were thinkers ándale philosophers what had criticized to the kings when propose remove them with their boocks as the contract social
  • Revolution Inndustrial

    Revolution Inndustrial
    The revolución industrial had ocurred in England when Spain enter in crisis by economic lack of soldiers
  • Independence of the United States

    Independence of the United States
    The people had chosen one to whasington as ruler when by first time theme chose by vote
  • Revolution French

    Revolution French
    The revolution french had been the more important when in 1789 the rights human were granted
  • Invation Napoleonica

    Invation Napoleonica
    Usa had released of the domain Spanish in a war when diferents events happened