Baby is born
Patience Jones and Raven Howard
Physical Develpoment
Toddlers can stand alone without support for a short time and have improved their grasping skillls. They slowly increase their vocabulary to four to six words and they may attempt to imitate -
Intellectual Development
Toddlers begin to form concepts, notice actions of children and adults, love to mimic all actions, and almost know fore thought. -
Intellectual Development
Toddlers remember where objects belong and they have short attention spans. They identify objects by pointing when requested and they may use two word phrases. -
Physical Development
Toddlers maybe be able to walk sideways and they walk fast and runs stiffly. They may turn nobs of radios and TVs, build towers of three blocks, and they place round pegs in a peg board. -
Physical Development
Toddlers walk sideways and backwards and jump forwards and in place. They hold two objects in hand easily, they build towers of 5 to 6 blocks, and uses one hand more than the other. -
Intellectual Devvelopment
Toddlers can obtain different objects from room when asked and they imitate simple actions on request. They use speech to get desired results and like to respond to directions. -
Intellectual Development
Toddlers identify fimiliar objects on the TV and may distinguish between one and many. They have a vocab of fifty or more words, asks for food for water when thirsty and food when hungry, and listens to and enjoys simple stories. -
Physical Development
Toddlers bounce and sways in simple dance movements and they jumb with both feet off the ground. They throw ball overhead instead of tossing and can open screw type closures. -
Physical Development
Toddlers turns doorknobs with greater strength and makes mudpies and sand castles.They can soap hands and arms easily and can remove wrapping from gum and candy. -
Intellectual Development
Toddles like to imitate drawings of older children and understand cause and effect in terms of their behavior. They use two word sentences and use words to make requests. -
Physical Development
They like to paint with full arm motions combined with finger motions and they walk on their tiptoes. They eat with a fork and make mudpies and sandcastles. -
Intellectual Development
Toddlers can stack rings in the correct order, recognizes themselves in photographs, and tries new play activities to discover more about how things work. They may asks names of objects and reapeats them. They also start to use past-tense and plurals. -