1st Month
-head flops backwards if unsupported
-keeps hands in tight fists
-strong reflex movements -
2nd Month
-Begin to recognize their caregivers
-wrap their fingers around an object
-focus their eyes and follow moving objects -
3rd Month
-a familiar voice can soothe them when they are upset
-they begin to investigate things by putting them in their mouth
-attracted to people's voices -
4th Month
-they enjoy being gently tickled and jiggled
-they can play games such as peek-a-boo
-infants respond with a smile when smiled at -
5th Month
-they can recognize family and caregivers reflections in the mirror
-their first teeth begin to come in
-they can turn over on their own on a flat surface -
6th Month
-they will focus on an object and reach for it
-they may be able to focus on only one toy at a time
-they repeat the same sounds over and over -
7th Month
-sits without support -enjoys a variety of movements -imitates sounds -
8th Month
-shows strong reaction to smells and tastes -stays full longer after eating -focuses on objects near and far -
9th Month
-recognizes sound of name -sits and reaches for toys without falling -picks up small objects with thumb and fingers -
10th Month
-enjoys listening to songs -claps hands -finger feeds self -
11th Month
-begins to use an open cup -responds to "no" -uses hand movements to communicate wants and needs -
12th Month
-stands up and takes few independent steps - says about 2 words -ready for self feeding with utensils