Baby's First Year-Ana Sofia Vera

  • Baby's First Month

    Baby's First Month
    Brings hands within the range of eyes and mouth. Moves head from side to side while laying on stomach. Makes jerky, quivering arm thrust.
  • Baby's Second Month

    Baby's Second Month
    Can hold up head and may push up the arms when laying on its stomach. Can control head when sitting. Reflexes start to go away, like the moro reflex and tonic reflex.
  • Baby's Third Month

    Baby's Third Month
    Pushes down on legs when feet are on a firm surface. May swipe at dangling objects and may grasp and shake hand toys. Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance.
  • Baby's Fourth Month

    Baby's Fourth Month
    Hands now work together. Able to pick up object. Rolls from front to back.
  • Baby's Fifth Month

    Baby's Fifth Month
    Can sit up for longer periods of time. Baby is able to roll over. Can sit up unsupported.
  • Baby's Sixth Month

    Baby's Sixth Month
    May rise up on hands and knees and rock back-and-forth. Propel themselves around the floor using rolling method. Sliding around the floor with the use of their stomach.
  • Baby's Seventh Month

    Baby's Seventh Month
    Can creep, scoot, roll, and, crawl. Can now sit unassisted. Can hold and drink from a cup.
  • Baby's Eighth Month

    Baby's Eighth Month
    Can pass objects from hand to hand. Bounces when in standing position. Tries to crawl or is crawling already.
  • Baby's Ninth Month

    Baby's Ninth Month
    Start babbiling. Can pick up objects with pointer finger and thumb. May start walking with some support.
  • Baby's Tenth Month

    Baby's Tenth Month
    Start saying simple words. Can stand while holding onto furniture. Is average that can crawl.
  • Baby's Eleventh Month

    Baby's Eleventh Month
    Baby can walk around while holding onto furniture. Can recognize objects and point at them. Can stand up without support.
  • Baby's Twelfth Month

    Baby's Twelfth Month
    Starts to understand some commands. Many of them are able to walk. Start saying many simple words, like "mama" or "dada"