Baby's 1st Month
- Kick their arms and legs in a jerky, uncoordinated way.
- Be startled by sudden movements or noises.
- Reflexively grasp an object or finger that is placed in their hand.
Baby's 2nd Month
- Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy.
- Makes smoother movements with arms and legs
- May hold toys if given to the baby
Baby's 3rd Month
- Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface.
- Brings hand to mouth.
- Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach
Baby's 4th Month
- Holds head steady, unsupported
- When lying on stomach, pushes up to elbows
- Can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys
Baby's 5th Month
- Can sit upright for longer periods of time.
- Reach for an object.
- Bring both hands together.
Baby's 6th Month
- Begins to sit without support
- When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
- Rolls over in both directions (front to back, back to front)
Baby’s 7th Month
- baby may stand up with assistant
- Reaches with one hand
- Sits with, and then without, support of her hands
Baby’s 8th month
- starts crawling
- baby puts things in her/his mouth
- rolls over
Baby’s 9th month
- They can push up to a crawl position,
- sit back down
- pivot to pick up a toy.
Baby’s 10th month
- squat while holding on or sit back down.
- walk while holding something for support
- pull from a seated position to standing
Baby’s 11th month
- would start climbing on things like furniture
- starts opening drawers
- baby May start arranging toys in order
Baby’s 12th month
- expert at crawling
- may start walking small steps independently
- twist to pick up objects