Is able to bring hands to mouth
- Physical Is able to latch on while nursing or bottle feeding
- Intellectual -
Month 1
Able to move fists from closed to open
- Physical Is able to be comforted by cuddling or parents touch
- Intellectual -
Month 2
Cries differently for different needs
- Intellectual Coos in response to playful interaction
- Social -
Month 3
Enjoys a variety of movements
- Physical Is able to calm with experiences such as rocking, touching and calm sounds
- Intellectual -
Month 4
Reaches for nearby toys while on tummy
- Physical Enjoys musical toys
- Social -
Month 5
Is generally happy when not hungry or tired
- Emotional Is able to roll from tummy to back
- Physical -
Month 6
Enjoys bath time
- Emotional Raises hands to be picked up
- Social -
Month 7
Sits without support
- Physical Recognizes sound of name
- Intellectual -
Month 8
Shows reaction to new smells and tastes
- Intellectual Imitates sound
- Social -
Month 9
Uses both hands equally to play with toys
- Physical Has an established and reliable sleeping schedule
- Intellectual -
Month 10
Uses thumb and tiny finger to pick up tiny objects
- Physical Is able to clap hands
- Physical -
Month 11
Begins to crawl
- Physical Enjoys listening to songs
- Intellectual -
Month 12
Begins to walk
- Physical Is able to self soothe when upset