Baby Making

  • Week 1

    Week 1
    There is no baby formed yet, or even an embryo in sight. You will have your last period.
  • week 6

    week 6
    Your babys nose, mouth, and ears start to foem. Your belly is starting to take shape. Your babys heart will start beating about 100 to 160 times a minute.
  • Week 2

    Week 2
    Your body is working hard to get prepared for ovulation. The limiting of the uterus is thickening and preparing for the fertilized egg. In the next 12 to 24 hours your egg will be fertilized by on of the 250 million sprem cells. Only about 400 of the sprem cells will make the whole 10 hour jounrney to the egg.
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    Your baSome of the bones are started to harden. by is just over 1 1/2 inches long, and now about the size of a fig. The babys hands will soon open and close into fists. Tiny tooth buds are begining to appear under the babys gums.
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    Your babys hands, feet, arms, and legs are starting to develope. Your baby is still considered an embryo and has something that looks like a tiny tail, which is the tail bone.
  • Week 3

    Week 3
    Your fertilized egg is now dividing several times over to become a tiney ball of microscopic cells, smaller than a period at the end of a sentence. Now the egg will make its way up the fallopian tube to your uterus, where the egg will implant itself in the uterine wall and frow for the next 9 months.
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. Now until 10 weeks all of your babys organs will began to develop and some will start to being functioning. Your baby is in an embryo the size of a poppy seed.
  • Week 5

    Week 5
    Deep in your uterus your embryo is growing at a furious place. Now your baby is about the size of a seasame seed. Your babay looks more like a tiney tadpole.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    Your baby is now growing webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your babys hands and feet. Your babys eyelids start to cover your babys eyes. The baby is developing lungs, in the babys brain nerve cells start to branch out and connect.
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    Your baby is nearly an inch long and about the size of a grape. Your baby weighs just a fraction of an ounce. Your baby starts to look more like a human. Your babys heart starts dividing into 4 chambersand valves start to form.
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    Your baby is over an inch long and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce. Your baby has now completed the most critical porion of the development. Tiny nails start to form on the babys finger s and toes. Peach fuzz hair begins to grow on tender skin.
  • Week 12

    Week 12
    Your babys eye muscles will begin to clench and the babys mouth will begin to make sucking movements. Your babys intstines have grown so fast they pretrude into the unbilical coard will start to move into the abdominal cavity. The babys kidneys will start working
  • Week 13

    Week 13
    Fingerprints have formed on the babys tiny fingertips. The babys veins and organs are visible throught the babys thin skin. The baby is almost 3 inches long.
  • Week 14

    Week 14
    Your baby can now squint, frown,pee, and possibly suck the babys thumb. The babys kidneys are producing urnie. The baby is now 3 1/2 inches and weighs arround 1 1/2 ounces.
  • Week 15

    Week 15
    Your baby is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. The babys arms and legs are longer then the babys arms and now can move joints and limbs. The baby can sense light.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    In a few weeks your baby will doubble in weight. Your baby is now 4 1/2 inches long, and 3 1/2 ounces. The babys eyes have moved much closer into the babys head. Your babys heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day.
  • Week 17

    Week 17
    Your baby's skelton is changing from soft cartilage to bone. The baby weighs arround 5 ounces and is about 5 inches long. The baby can move its joints, and sweat glands are starting to develope.
  • Week 18

    Week 18
    Your baby is almoast 12cm long, and weighs about 190g.The baby's chest moves up and down to mimic breathing. The baby's blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and the baby's ears are now formed almost all the way.
  • Week 19

    Week 19
    You are now half way through your pregnancy! Your baby is now 14.2c long, and weighs about 240g. Your baby is swallowing amniotic fluid, and the kidneys proceed to make urine. Also the hair on your babys scalp are starting to sprout.
  • Week 20

    Week 20
    Your baby is now 26cm long, and is steadily gaining weight. Your baby is swallowing more this week which is good practice for the baby's digustive system.
  • Week 21

    Week 21
    Your baby is now 27sm long, and weighs about 360g. Your babys eyelids and eyebrows are fully developed. Your baby will be more active in weeks to come.
  • Week 22

    Week 22
    Your baby now weighs about 430g, and is 28cm long. Your baby is proportioned like a new born. At you ultrasound during this week you should be able to tell what the sex of your baby is.
  • Week 23

    Week 23
    Your baby now weighs arround 500g and is about 29cm long. During this week your babys hearing is established, and might be able to make out a distored verison of your voice. Also the baby can hear the breathing of your heart and your stomach rumbling.
  • Week 24

    Week 24
    Your baby now weighs a little bit more than 600g and is about 30cm long. The baby is starting to fill the space in your uterus or the womb. Your baby has little body fat and the skin on your baby is thin. The brian is growing, and taste buds have been developed.
  • Week 25

    Week 25
    Your baby almsot weighs 660g, and is about 35cm long. Your baby is staring to gain some body fat, and the babys skin will start to look smooth and loose the wrinkled look. The babys senses are become more advanced.
  • Week 26

    Week 26
    Your baby weighs a little more than 760g and is about 36cm long. Your babys eyes begin to open. Also your baby may be able to hear you and your partner talking. Your baby continues to take small breaths.
  • Week 27

    Week 27
    Your baby almsot weighs 875g and is about 36cm long. The babys eyes continue to open and close, also the baby sleeps and wakes at regualr times. Some people begin to think that babies begin to dream at 27 weeks.
  • Week 28

    Week 28
    Your baby now weighs about 1kg and is about 38cm long. The baby is now trying to turn the head into the direction of your uterus. Now your baby is growing eyelashes, but contuinues to open and close the eyes.
  • Week 29

    Week 29
    Your baby now weighs over 1kg, and is about 39cm long. In your babys body if you are having a girl her clitoris is developing, and if you are having a boy his testicles will be leading to his kidneys. By the end of this wek your baby will be reacting more to light and sound.
  • Week 30

    Week 30
    Your baby about 39cm long and weighs about 1.3kg. Your babies growth will start to slow down, but the baby will continue to gain weight. Your babies lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed.
  • Week 31

    Week 31
    Your baby weighs about 1.5kg, and is beinging to look more and more like a new born. The babies arms, legs, and body will start to fill out. You might notice that your baby isnt moving arround as much, because there isnt enough room in your uterus.
  • Week 32

    Week 32
    Your baby now weighs about 1.7kg and is about 42cm long. Your babies lungs wont be fully developed until a little before birth. Your baby is busy inhaling amniotic fluids.
  • Week 33

    Week 33
    Your baby now weighs about 2kg and is 44cm long. Your baby might be getting ready to start moving the head pointing down ready for their journey out.
  • Week 34

    Week 34
    Your baby now weighs more than 2.2kg and is about 45cm long. Your baby is filling out and getting rounder. You should start talking to your baby if you dont already.
  • Week 35

    Week 35
    Your baby now weighs arround 2.4kg and is about 46cm long. When the wall of your uterus and your belly start to strech more light is let in and your baby begins to develope daily cycles.
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    Your baby is still gaining weight and now weighs about 2.3kg and your baby is now ganing about 28g daily. You might being to feel pressure in your lower belly because your baby is dropping. By the end of this week your baby will be considered full term.
  • Week 37

    Week 37
    Your baby weighs 2.8kg and is about 48.6cm long. Your baby's head is now cradeled in your pelvic cavity, protected by prelvic bones.
  • Week 38

    Week 38
    If you decided to not know what you are having you can tell because if you are carrying a boy you tend to gain more weight then you would if you are having a girl. Your baby now weighs 3kg or a little more.
  • Week 39

    Week 39
    Its all about waiting now, your baby can arrive any day now. Your baby can be up to 50cm long, and could weigh about 3kg.
  • Week 40

    Week 40