
  • week 4

    by this week the baby is discovering noises they can make that arent crying
  • week 8

    the muscles in the babys neck are getting stronger and they can probably raise their head more
  • week 10

    the baby can pick out their parents' faces in a group
  • week 15

    week 15
    the baby can roll over now and have a sense of their fingers and hands
  • week 20

    the baby knows who you are by now and even knows themselves
  • week 22

    the baby will begin to put everything into its mouth
  • week 24

    week 24
    babies begin to store memories around this time
  • week 25

    walking, crawling, and sitting will start becoming a thing
  • week 28

    babies begin to use their hands and start doing motions
  • week 29

    eager to start socializing more
  • week 32

    week 32
    the child may be able to lean against furniture now hands free
  • week 33

    babies opinions grow stronger and they will let you know what they like and dont like
  • week 36

    they can look at things and remember how it works
  • week 39

    week 39
    teething grows stronger so babies put things in their mouths a lot
  • week 40

    your baby will start to imitate you
  • week 41

    they begin to feel comforted by seeing the same images and hearing the same words over and over
  • week 44

    babies begin to learn about stairs and high things like shelves are
  • week 45

    week 45
    babies begin to eat all their food by themselves
  • week 48

    babies begin to cruise around more if not walking
  • week 49

    babies anxiety around other people may start to come back
  • week 52

    week 52
    they start to say mama and dadda and using a lot more words