Baby Development Age 1-10

By Swimmy1
  • Age 1

    Walking holding onto furniture, some words and gesture, affection begins, follows basic direction.
  • Age 1

    Speaks some words, show affection, develop small fine motor movements like picking up a spoon, walk and crawl with help.
  • Age 2

    Engage in pretend play, learn new physical skills like walking and running, more language comprehension skills, get dressed and clean themselves.
  • Age 2

    More pretend play, walk/start to run, more fine motor skills like brushing teeth and getting dressed, grouping, have some memory.
  • Age 3

    Copies adults and friends, understands mine his and hers, lot more emotion, more language skills, can use more complex toys like buttons and levers, runs easily.
  • Age 4

    Grammar, creative, runs easily, balances, sings, cuts, pours,
  • Age 5

    Learns gender, more independence, speaks well, says name, more grammar comprehension, identifies money and food and other everyday objects, shapes, can summersault, skip etc. potty trained.
  • Age 6

    Loosing baby teeth, molars grow, can tell their age, count to 10, like simple jokes,
  • Age 7

    Solid sense of time, show preference for learning style, simple math, one factor problem solving, better reading, more coordination.
  • Age 8

    Date, count by 2's, black-white perspective, can tell right and left, impatient, interest in money, increase in skill, sports, hobbies.
  • Age 9

    Categorize, read longer sentences, basic math, organize and plan, complete more complicated tasks like book reports.
  • Age 10

    Know complete date, can read complex sentences, more advanced math, cursive, have conversations, endurance, continued fine motor skills.