Black toddler with earphones

Baby ALL Grown-Up

  • Birthday

    the day that you realize that it is no longer about you. it is now all about me.
  • The First 13 to 15months

    The First 13 to 15months
    13 months: Baby takes her first steps, is able to take objects in out of containers and can help get herself dressed.
  • 13 to 15 months Understanding

    13 to 15 months Understanding
    Cognitive:understands the meanings of phrases such as "No," "Come here," "Show me," and "Look."
  • 16 to 18 months Ready For Toilet Training

    16 to 18 months Ready For Toilet Training
    Physical: By this age they should be able to sit on either an adult potty or an adult potty
  • 16 to 18 months Cognitive

    16 to 18 months Cognitive
    Able to speak loud and clear where are able to understand the things that they say
  • 19 to 21 months

    19 to 21 months
    Cognitive:At this age they are able to state their feelings, such as "Hurt", "Sleepy" and "Hungry".
  • Physical learning 19 to 21 monyhs

    Physical learning 19 to 21 monyhs
    Phsical:They are also able to climb and balance.
  • 22 to 24 months

    22 to 24 months
    Physical:walks up and down stairs by
    holding onto railing
  • 22 to 24 month

    22 to 24 month
    Cognitive:well-versed in direction words such as "up," "down," "under," "out," and "in."
  • 24 to 30 months

    24 to 30 months
    Cognitive; at this age they are able to ask you questions like Why. They are able to understand differences between different things.
  • 25 to 27 months

    25 to 27 months
    Physical:child can now run, walk on his/her tiptoes, avoid obstacles that block her path, sit and stand quickly, and walk backward and sideways
  • 30 to 36months

    30 to 36months
    Physical;may know how to walk on her tiptoes, will continue trying to jump at a low height and throw a ball underhand.
  • 30 to 36months

    30 to 36months
    Cognitive;Your toddler's ability to reason and an understanding of what "now", "soon" and "later" will follow soon after.They name a friend that he/she sees in a picture as well as recognise himself/herself in a photo.