South Carolina Secedes
Mississippi Secedes
Florida Secedes
Alabama Secedes
Cenfederate States of America is Formed and Fefferson Davis is named its President
The first election of President Abraham Lincoln
Period: to
Attack on Fort Sumter BY the confederacy
First Battle of Bull Run
Gen. Ulysses S Grant gets Union victories at Fort Henery and Fort Donelson in Tennessee
Battle of Ironclads
Period: to
Battle of Shiloh
David Farragut and the Union Navy captures the sea port of New Orleans
Gen. Robert E. Lee is given command of the Army of Northern Virginia
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The 7 day Battle
Period: to
Secound battle of Bull Run or Secound Manassas
battle of Antietam
President Lincoln issues the Emancepation Proclamation
President lincoln is elected for a 2nd term
Battle of Fredricksburg
The Union enacts a law creating first military draft of men into the army
Period: to
Battle of Chancellorsville
Confederate Gen. Thomas "stonwall" Jackson dies
Period: to
Battle of Gettysburg
Fall of Vicksburg
Opening of POW campAndersonville
Period: to
The Wilderness Campain
Period: to
Battle of spotsylvania
Period: to
Battle of Cold Harbor
Period: to
Battle at peetersburg
union Gen. William T. Sherman burns Atlanta, GA. to the Ground and begins his march to the sea
Abraham lincoln gets re-elected for president
Union General William T Sherman finishes his march to the sea and captures savannah, GA.
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