The Mayans started their civilization known as the Classic Period of Civilization
Period: 250 to
The Mayan
Dec 6, 600
The Maya developed a 260 day religous calendar, which consisted of 20 thirteen day months. A 365 day solar calendar consisted of 18 twenty day months, with a seperate period of 5 days at the end.
Dec 6, 700
The Mayans had broke out into warfare between the various mayan city states. Caused many to flee and take refuge in the jungle.
Dec 6, 1200
The Aztecs civilization they were poor nomadic people from the harsh desert of northern mexico.
Dec 6, 1200
The Inca had established their own small kingdom in the valley.
Period: Dec 6, 1200 to Dec 6, 1521
The Aztecs Civilization
Dec 6, 1438
The Incas had began when a powerful and ambitious ruler, Pachacuti took the throne.
Period: Dec 6, 1438 to Dec 6, 1535
The Incans
Dec 6, 1500
The aztecs controlled a vast Mesoamerica empire, which stretched from central Mexico to the Atlantic & Pacific coast & south into Oaxaca.
Dec 6, 1500
The Inca had ruled an empire that stretched 2,000 miles along the coast of South America, from Ecuador in the North.
Dec 6, 1502
The Aztecs became an extraordinary urban center had a ruler, Monte Zuma II crowned as emperor but the Aztecs weakened.