Mar 13, 1325
Begining Of The Aztecs
Aztec civilization began with the foundation of the city of Tenochtitlan, the present day Mexico in March 13, 1325. Aztecas, led by Tenoch, -
May 28, 1350
Building an Empire
They had built a causeway of canal. -
May 28, 1370
Building an Empire
Death of tenoch,religous ruler of mexica was killed. -
May 28, 1376
Building an Empire
the first king of tenochtitlan,acamapichitli rules -
May 29, 1390
Building an Empire
Original cunstruction of templo mayor being in tenoctitlan. -
Period: May 28, 1395 to Jul 27, 1427
Building an Empire
The third king, Chimalpopoca has his relatively short reign.He is assasinated by the Tepaneca. -
Period: Nov 28, 1427 to Dec 30, 1430
Building an Empire
the War with the Tepaneca. Up to this point the Tepaneca had been dominant in central Mexico, ruling from Azcapotzalco and taking tribute from the Mexica. -
Jan 3, 1430
building an emire
Azcapotzalco conquered. -
May 30, 1431
Building an Empire
Establishment of the Triple Alliance between the Mexica, the Acolhua in the city Texcoco and the Tepaneca of Tlacopan. -
Jun 3, 1435
Games and Sports
The famous Aztec ball game, was played on a tlachtli ball court (the game is sometimes referred to as Tlachtli). The ball court was one of the first things built when the Aztecs settled a new area, making it the most important of the ancient Aztec games. -
Feb 17, 1440
Building an Empire
Tenochtitlán's fourth king, Itzcoatl, reigns and becomes a king. -
Jun 3, 1440
More Aztecs Games
Many other games and sports were common in the Aztec empire. Anything that tested skill and endurance was popular. Children played with bows and arrows, marbles and stones. -
Jul 3, 1441
Playing Patolli
As with Ullamaliztli, betting was common. But in patolli, betting was central to the game. It was a game of chance and skill, played on a board shaped like a cross. -
Jun 14, 1452
Builidng an Empire
Tenochtitlán severely damaged by flooding. -
Apr 27, 1469
height of the empire
Reign of the fifth king, Moctezuma I, who is also referred to as Montezuma I. -
Period: Jun 16, 1481 to May 30, 1486
Height of the Empire
Reign of Tizoc, the seventh king of Tenochtitlan. -
Aug 22, 1481
height of the empire
Tenochtitlán's sixth king, Azayactl, reigns. -
Period: Apr 10, 1486 to Jun 27, 1502
Height of the Empire
Rule of Ahuitzotl, eighth king of the city. -
Aug 20, 1487
Height of the Empire
Dedication of Great Temple Templo Mayor at Tenochtitlán.This was the 6th version of the temple. -
Aug 29, 1517
Fall of the Empire
The appearance of a comet, believed to signify impending doom. -
May 30, 1520
Fall of the Empire
Cortes allies with Tlaxcala, enemies of the Aztec, assault on the empire begins. On the 1st of July, the Spanish forces were driven back. The Spanish and their native allies suffered heavy losses. -
Aug 13, 1521
Fall of the Emire
Fall of Tenochtitlan. Cuauhetemoc surrenders to Cortes, destruction of the city. -
Mar 17, 1525
End of the Aztecs
This was the end of aztec period and then was a spanish quest.