
  • Apr 10, 1519

    The Spanish people leave Spain

    The Spanish people leave Spain
    Hernan Cortez the leader of the Spanish people. He wants to conquer the Aztec and be wealthy for himself and the Spainsh people since there are some problems occuring. He wants to become wealthy and he wants to gain glory and wants to make people obey him be a god. Hernan Cortez wants to spread the Catholic faith too.
  • Apr 11, 1519

    The Spanish arrive to Mexico

    The Spanish arrive to Mexico
    Moctezuma the great speaker also know as the leader of the Aztecs.When the Spanish arrive to Mexico, they meet Moctezuma in Tenochtitlan. Moctezuma was a Spanish emperor he has been an emperor since 1502. The Aztec treat him like a god. The Spanish felt really lucky when they saw all the treasures in Tenochtitlan. The Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs they camere with horses which are really good in Battles they give them a big opportunity to win.
  • Apr 12, 1519

    The Weapons of the Spanish and Aztecs

    The Weapons of the Spanish and Aztecs
    In my point of view I say the Spanish have better weapons because they have horses and most of there weapons are metal like the Sword it was a metre long weopon and could go right throw the opponent. The Aztec weapons were mostly hand made they were made out of wood. The Spanish also had an advantage most of there people had smallpox which killed people before the Battle happened.
  • Apr 13, 1519


    Chinampas are floating islands in the water around Tenochtitlan to grow there crops this is for the Aztecs. In now an day we call it a garden but it is not built in water.
  • Apr 14, 1519


    The Aztec built temples they believed the higher there temple the more closer they are to there gods. They each thought that gods loved them the most, they used temples to sacrifice victims.
  • Apr 15, 1519

    Human Sacrifice

    Human Sacrifice
    The Aztec believed that if they did not sacrfce a victim everyday and give there blood to their god he would be unhappy with them and would grow sick and die. They also believed sun won't rise and the world would end. So they sacrificed one thousand people in four days.
  • Apr 16, 1519

    The Stragety of the Spanish and the Aztecs

    The Stragety of the Spanish and the Aztecs
    The stragety of the Aztec was that they would come in Straight rows and when the first row get killed the next one shows up. The Spanish stragety was was that thaey would have there people coming behind and in front so I think they killed more people. That is why I like there stragety better.
  • Apr 17, 1519


    The Reconquista was when the Christians reconquest of Spain from the Muslims. This means that the Chirstian people took Spain back from the Muslims so know the Christians are taking over Spain.
  • Apr 18, 1519

    The Aztec Education

    The Aztec Education
    The Aztec people had two schools one for the nobles and one for the Commoners ( I like the Aztec education because they are free to everyone and let everyone come to school)he school for nobles was often attached to a temple and it was callled the calmecac. the School for commoners it was called telpochalli they had to memorize everything they learned how to play the drums since it was part of there religion.
  • Apr 19, 1519

    The Spanish Inquisition

    The Spanish Inquisition
    King Ferdinland and Queen Isabella took to unite Spain under one religion was to take over the Spanish Inquisition from the church The Inquisition became a state- run system of courts where Church officials put believers of religious ideas other than Catholicism on trial.