Start of the Aztec empire
This marks the beginning of the Aztec empire. The Aztecs originated fr9m breaking off of an older society and creating an independent city-state. -
Tepanec War
A civil war broke out between two Tepanec rulers who wanted power after Tezozomoc’s (Tepanec ruler) death. Aztecs fought with one of the claimants, Tayahuah, who opposed Tezozomoc’s son. -
Soon after the war, Itzcóatl formed an alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan (the two more powerful city states in this region) -
Period: 1440 to 1469
Monctezuma rules
Aztecs extended their borders southward toward the valley of Oaxaca, west towards the pacific, and east towards the Gulf of Mexico. Due to this, trade goods, tribute, and taxes would now flow into the city of Tenochtitlán -
Period: 1486 to 1502
Ruled from 1486 to 1502 and was a hugely successful military leader. He was very ambitious and added large swathes of land to the empire -
Ahuitzotl is well known for really promoting sacrifice. Ahuitzotl sacrificed around 20,000 captives surrounding the dedication of a new temple in Tenochtitlán -
Tenochtitlán now
Tenochtitlán is now buried under modern-day Mexico City