Feb 1, 1519
Cortes sails from mexico from cuba
This was important because it showed Cortes determination to explore Mexico. -
Jun 1, 1519
Tlaxcalans attack the Spanish.
They did not want to be under Spanish rule, so they attacked the Spanish but Cortes held them off with guns and steel armour. -
Jun 16, 1519
Tlaxcalans form alliance with the Spanish
After they attacked the Spanish, they then decided it was in their best interests to make an alliance with the Spanish. They agreed to join forces with Cortes to defeat the Aztec. -
Nov 8, 1519
Moctezuma and Cortes meet
Cortes sent messages saying he was coming in peace and wished to meet the emperor to extend his greetings. When moctezuma finally greeted cortes in Tenochtitlan, he addressed cortes as if he were a god, unsure whether or not cortes was quetzalcoatl. -
Nov 15, 1519
Cortes takes moctezuma hostage
Cortes replaced the idolas in the palace where he was staying with statues of Roman Catholic saints. Moctezumas advisors were disgusted that he had let the Spanish into the city and that he was allowing them to set of statues of the spanish religion. -
May 15, 1520
The Spanish massacre thousands of Aztecs while preparing for their religious festival
Alvarado and his men surrounded the courtyard and massacred the unarmed worshippers. The Aztec were outraged, nobles and priests were killed. -
May 16, 1520
The Spanish retreat after the Aztecs gather arms
The Spanish gathered their arms and fought so ferociously that the Spanish had to retreat to Cortes's palace away from the center of the city. Any chance of a peaceful agreement between the Spanish and the Aztec was gone. -
Jun 3, 1520
Moctezuma dies
He died from stones being hurled at him. Cuitlahuac (kwee-tlah-WATCH) was elected the new huey tlatoani. -
Jun 10, 1520
The Spanish attempt to escape from Tenochtitlan but are stopped by the Aztecs - later referred to as the Noche Triste
They tried to escape in the middle ogf the night, but the Aztec discovered them crossing the causeways and attacked them. 700 spanish and 2000 to 3000 tlaxcalans were killed. -
Aug 14, 1520
The Aztecs begin to die from smallpox
Lots of the Aztecs die from the epidemic disease -
Sep 30, 1520
The Spanish form a second attack on the now weakened Aztecs
this was the final battle. And almost half of the aztec population was dead from smallpox already -
Aug 13, 1521
The last group of Aztecs surrender
they surrended and huey tlatoani was taken as prisoner and hanged. -
May 29, 1522
Cortes becomes governor and captain-general of New Spain
he destroyed their pyrimads, temples, homes and palaces.