Jan 1, 1110
In 1110 AD to 1325 the Mexica leave their homeland Aztlan. They leave to find more ground and build a city. They went to what is now mexico to find a place to settle. -
Apr 21, 1325
The Mexica settled in 1325. The place they settled was tenochtitlan. They quickly started building. -
Mar 23, 1327
The Aztecs rivaled the Egyptian pyramids. In 2 years the Aztec Empire fell to the ground. After a fight with the spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez. -
Apr 21, 1327
The Fight
The Aztec emperor Montezuma predicted that a god with a beard was going to come to their land and bring them peace. The Aztecs eventually figured out that Hernan Cortes was not a god. -
Apr 21, 1327
the Leader
The Aztec people later captured Montezuma. Later on they killed Montezuma. His brother Cuitlahuac took over to be there current emperor. -
Apr 21, 1492
The spanish brought over diseases and illness. Like Smallpox and other sicknesses. The Aztecs were not immune to the diseases and died -
Apr 21, 1493
take over
After just one year, Smallpox killed Half of the Aztecs population.The Spanish took advantage of this opportunity. They made the Aztecs there slaves. -
Apr 21, 1493
the queen
The Spanish took over the Aztec empire. They made it their own capital. The Spanish Queen then ordered that the Aztecs be let go. -
The Aztec empire is now known as Mexico City. The Capital of Mexico.Where lots of people live. Notice how there flag has a bird and a snake. -
life today
Mexico now has a population of 120,286,655 people. They speak spanish. Also their real name is the United Mexican States.