• Jan 1, 1300


    Central Mexico, Capital was Tenochtitlan, Had a lot of rivers in the nearby areas. Area was covered with multiple different tribes.
  • Jan 31, 1300


    The Aztecs had mostly enemies, because they attacked other tribes and took their people for human sacrifices for the Aztec religion. They also made enemies with the French who killed a huge percentage of them and when the French were coming over they brought smallpox with them, ultimately leading to their demise.
  • Feb 1, 1300


    The Aztecs were a tribe so they had a “chief”, who pretty much made their religion and organized the sacrifices. The original chief also believed that he spoke to the gods.
  • Feb 28, 1300


    The Aztec religion believed that the gods had a strong thirst for blood and if the thirst was not quenched, the gods would become angered and kill them. The thirst was quenched (as they believed) by cutting their hearts out and letting the blood drip onto the temple.Dying during the sacrifices was considered an honorable thing to the Aztecs, because they believed you were saving them. They believed that the gods could communicate to them through the temple, so desecrating the temple would be con
  • Mar 1, 1300


    The Aztecs were not the smartest people at all, they were actually pretty stupid, by making so many enemies. The original chief of the Aztec tribe believed that Hernan Cortes was the bearded god from their religion who in the prophecy came to kill all the bad people and make world peace.
  • Mar 30, 1300


    The biggest technological thing they had were the huge temples they crafted for sacrifices, but other than the temples they had weapons made from serrated sharpened stones meant to maul and mutilate enemies.
  • Apr 1, 1300


    Aztec economy was terrible, because they had everything. Eventually all the surrounding tribes and government locked them down and surrounded them, not allowing them to leave until smallpox killed the rest of them off. no one to trade with considering the fact, that they weren’t very good at finding people to trade with them since they decided to attack.