Azaria Chamberlain Case

  • Azaria Is Killed

  • Period: to

    Azaria Chamberlain Case

  • Initial Coronial Inquest Opens

    Magistrate Denis Barritt stated that a dingo attack was the likely cause, but also said: "the body of Azaria was taken from the possession of the dingo, and disposed of by an unknown method, by a person or persons, name unknown"
  • First Live Telecast Of Australian Court Procedings

  • Second Inquest

    Due to the inconclusive finding of the previous inquest, another is opened in Darwin. The Chamberlains are charged with Azaria's murder.
  • Lindy Chamberlain Is Convicted Of Murder

    She is sentenced to life in prison. Michael Chamberlian is Michael Chamberlain was found guilty as an accessory after the fact and was given an 18-month suspended sentence.
  • Appeal To The High Court

  • Appeal Is Refused By Majority

  • Important Evidence Is Found

    Azaria's matinee jacket she was wearing at the time of her disappearance is found in a dingo lair during a search for the body of tourist David Brett.
  • All Convictions Against Lindy And Michael Are Overturned

    This decision was based on the bias and assumptions in the investigation of the case, and also the innacurate tests and evidence.
  • Third Coroner's Inquest

    Did not determine cause of death.
  • Final Verdict

    Coroner Elizabeth Morris confirms that the cause of death was a dingo attack. The cause of death is registered on the death certificate.