Apr 30, 1325
City of Tenochtitlán is founded
The site was chosen by priests who saw the foretold sign of an eagle holding a snake while standing on a cactus. The city woudl alter become the capital of the Aztecs. -
Apr 30, 1428
Triple Alliance
Those part of the Triple Alliance are the begining of the Aztecs -
Apr 30, 1440
Montezuma I becomes leader
He would build up and expand the empire over the next several years. -
Apr 30, 1452
The Flood
Because of the flood that takes place at this time, the Aztecs experience famine and starvation. -
Apr 30, 1487
The Temple Mayor is finished
Thousands of human sacrifices are made to it. -
Apr 30, 1492
Christopher Columbus lands in Santa Domingo
Apr 30, 1517
A Comet is seen
A comet was observed passing overheard and they believed it signified the apocolypse. -
Nov 8, 1519
Cortes Arrives
Apr 30, 1520
The fighting begins
Cortes gets the help of the Aztec's enemy, the Tlaxcala. -
Aug 13, 1521
The last Aztec city surrenders to Cortes
This city would later be rebuilt as Mexico City and would become the capital of New Spain.