One to Two months
One month: Lifts chin when placed on stomach
Two Months: Lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach. -
One Month Old With A Toy (Chimes)
http://toys.about.com/b/2010/02/11/recall-toy-tiny-love-wind-chimes.htm It helps them look and identify colors as well as see movement and different shapes. -
Three to Four Months
Holds up head steadily.
Reaches for objects, but unsteadily.
Rolls from side to back and from back to side. -
Fourth Month Old WIth Toy (Around the World)
www.examiner.com This toy helps babies develop their muscles as well as Improve their movement skills.
They learn to multi-task
To interact with other things
As well as explore alittle bit of their new world. -
Five to Six Months
Sit alone briefly
Uses hands to reach, grasp, crumble, bang, and splash.
Turns completley over when laid on back or stomach. -
Six Month Old With Toy (Chatter Telephone)
http://www.essentialbaby.com.au/baby/baby-products/eb-picks-toys-for-your-06-month-old-20100915-15ct7.html Kids learn to develop more motor skils
as well as increase their interactive skills
and developing their sense of surroundings.
and increases their thinking capabilities. -
Seven to Eight Months
Sit up steadily.
Reaches for Spoon
Eats with fingers.
Picks up large objects
Pulls self up while holding on to furniture
Propels self by arms, knees, or squirming motion. -
Eight Month Old With Toy (Move and Groove)
Most eight-month olds may enjoy picking things up, passing toys from hand to hand, and starting to associate words with objects. Their thinking/learning capabilities increase as well as their interactiveness. Also their motor skills develop more and they are strong and more self sufficient then they were a few months ago.
http://www.fisher-price.com/en_US/brands/babytoys/products/67454 -
Nine to Ten Months
Is more skillful with spoon
Reaches for and manipulates objects, including, medium sized ones with good control.
stands holding on to furniture or other supports
crawls on hands and knees.
walks when led. -
Ten Month Old With Toy (Poppity pop)
baby begins to understand more complex concepts. You baby has more alertness as well as is fully capable to walk and maybe speak and interact more with their toys and hopefully their parents/others. They learn the differences and the fun and exciting things about play things.
http://www.fisher-price.com/en_US/brands/babytoys/products/63020 -
Eleven to Twelve months
Shows preference for one hand over another
Holds and drinks from a cup
Fits blocks, boxes, or nesting toys inside each other.
Picks up small objects using thumb and forefinger.
Stands alone.
May walk alone