Period: to
prenatal development
During my prenatal development, my mother was completing her masters thesis, she was under a lot of stress at the time but made sure to eat right and didn't smoke or drink, ensuring I had a healthy birth and birthweight -
Dusti-Rose Rogers is born
I was born under the name of Dusti-Rose Rogers -
Period: to
I was a cryer
As an infant, I never liked being held, when i was tantruming, if my mother picked me up, I would scream louder and arch my back so holding me was impossible. The best thing she could do was turn me on my stomach and pat my back until I fell asleep -
Period: to
very curious
I was a very curious infant, I was always exploring, looking, and moving. I wasn't afraid of anything. I always had to be active and independant. -
Don't leave me!
I wasn't ready for preschool!! My mother was going to Towson University, she was a graduate student teaching psychology classes. My preschool was on campus and was visible from the Psychology building, She had to point out to me where she would be and that she would be able to watch over me while I was in preschool. Sometimes it took an hour to two hours of coaxing. before I was comfortable enough for her to leave. (psychosocial) -
I can tie my shoes!
At 4 years old, I was the first between me and my friends at preschool to learn to tie my shoes. After nap time, when we had to put our shoes back on, I helped my friends tie their shoes. I felt so proud and so smart. (Biosocial) -
Various Types of Conservation
My mother took me into the psychology class she was teaching at the university to perform tests of various types of conservation on me in front of her class. I chose the taller glass of water, the rope of playdough as opposed to the ball and the longer line of equal amount of checkers. I LOVED going to her college classes, (cognitive) -
Litile Tall Preschool
at age 4, I was playing on the "big kid" monkey bars. I climbed up and was sitting on top of them. A friend jumped up and grabbed my foot and I fell, hitting my tooth on the bar in front of me on the way down. That front top tooth died and for the next 2 years i had a black tooth. (biosocial) -
I want the bigger present!!
I remember as a going away party, My sisters friend gave us both presents, my present was very cool, but Harmony's present was bigger! I had the biggest screaming tantrum because i thought the bigger present was obviously the better one. (cognitive) -
I turned 5 years old on the drive from Baltimore, MD to Las Vegas, NV
I was sad on my 5th birthday because we had to stay in a hotel and I didnt get to have a party with my friends. We were moving to Las Vegas and I felt very out of control because I didn't know why. (psychosocial) -
Period: to
Where's my Mommy!!??
We moved to Las Vegas, NV because my Dad was offered a job as a Biochemist for the EPA. As soon as we got to Vegas, my Mom left for Logan, UT for 7 months to finish her PhD program. I don't remember that time but i was told i was very sad, moody, confused, and didn't follow rules. My needs weren't being met and I didn't know how to cope with my mom being gone, living in a new environment that didn't have grass or trees, and without having my preschool routine. -
Christian Mackenzie Rogers is born. I have a baby brother!
Christian was born and I became a big sister! I wanted to always help out by feeding, diaper changing and playing with him. -
I was a tom boy
at 7 years old, I went though my tom boy stage, I asked for a remote control car, soccer ball, and a model rocket for my 7th birthday. My neighborhood peers were boys, and I wanted to play along. (psychosocial) -
I was diagnosed with ADHD and told thats why I was having difficulty with concentration. This was also why I had difficulty making friends and understanding social cues. I was always told I was out of control and too extreme. (biosocial) -
Gifted and Talented Education
I was accepted into the gifted and talented education program at school. I was able to attend GATE for one hour out of the school day twice a week. We worked on special projects, puzzles, and got to go to Astro Camp. This helped my self esteem, I felt smart (cognitive) -
6th grade grades drop cognitive
My sister was almost three years older than me, and 2 years ahead of me in school. She was a shining student, loved by all her teachers for her dedication, politeness and nearly angel-like disposition. As I entered junior high, my grades dropped as I stepped into her shadow. I think somewhere I made up my mind that if I couldn't be like her I would proclaim my indifference for school. COGNITIVE -
I joked that my name (Autumn Rose) gave me a complex as a late bloomer. biosocial
puberty started late for me. Everything started late for me. Not only was I a whole year younger than most of the kids in my grade, but I matured later than most my age. I was pretty annoying, obnoxious, and immature in middle school. But it's ok, the popular girls were at their prime in high school and are now fat, I am at my prime now at 25 and feel forever young. -
I don't want to be mormon psychosocial
I grew up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was sheltered from rated R and pg-13 movies, in an alcohol and drug free home and was required to cover my shoulders and wear skirts down to my knees. Around 15 years old, I decideded I no longer wanted to identify with the church I grew up in. -
Period: to
Horrible junk food diet!!
I had a horrible diet in high school!! For lunch every day, I had an appetite for nothing else but snickers and doritos. I didn't eat breakfast and had junk food for dinner. I never gained weight in high school, but knowing what I do today about the importance of nutrition, I'm pretty sure my diet contributed to my constant lethargy. BIOSOCIAL -
Period: to
learning falling behind --cognitive
I went to 6 different types of school throughout my high school carreer. My parents pulled me out of school, put me in a BYU home school program, then sent me away to a wilderness bootcamp for teenagers, from there I was transfered to a type of theraputic boarding school, because my insurance would no longer pay for it, I got taken out and sent to live with my dad in Missouri who was on a sobbatical as a chemist for the homeland security. After that, I came back home and finished my senior year -
I WON FIRST PLACE IN STATE!!! psychosocial
I received "Command Performance" in my Senior year of high school. Solo and Ensemble is an opportunity for students in Junior high and high school to display their musical talents, there is a category for mens and womens vocalists as well as strings, percussion etc. They receive a score for their performance and only the superior performances go on to compete in the State finals. Of the superior ratings granted at state, only one person from each category is selected (CONTINUE STORY ON 4/15/2004 -
as having given the Command Performance. It is the highest honor one can receive in choir, band and orchestra. Green Valley High School's music department won a grammy the year my sister graduated and that was the year she won command performance as the women's vocalist. for the last 10 years, Green Valley swept every single command performance. But this year, I won it for Coronado High! It was the greatest accomplishment of my life!! Shortly after, I sang my solo in the University hall. -
college. cognitive
my first semester in college, I had a higher gpa than my entire high school career. I went to College of Southern Nevada and loved it, but because of continuing conflict with my mother, had to drop out my second semester because I was kicked out of the house, so I had to go to work to pay for my bills and support myself on my own. I desparately wanted to continue school but just couldnt juggle both at 18 years old. -
IM GOING TO HONG KONG!! psychosocial
when I was 20 years old, I was a singing gondolier at the Venetian Resort on the Las Vegas strip. It was an easy job for fantastic pay. They were opening a Venetian in Macau, China, one hour from Hing Kong. They wanted italian looking english speaking gondoliers to transfer to location. I had no real responsibility holding me in the US, so I decided to go! Living in China for a year was an incredible and bittersweet experience. Gondoliers were the highest paid out of ((((CONT. ON 08/16/07)))))) -
IM GOING TO HONG KONG!!! (continued)
out of 40,000 employees, and I made it my job to be the Paris Hilton of Asia's Las Vegas. I lived in the nicest high rise condo in the city, took chauffered cars everywhere, wined and dined in all the nicest restaurants and clubs, but eventually realized that by always looking for the bigger party and the better crowd, and the cooler experience, I had become an alcoholic. I was depressed, home sick, and although I had 2 friends visit me, I was incredibly lonely. -
No more Mc Donalds!!! Biosocial
The Venetian, Las Vegas is known to have the BEST employee dining room of all the casinos on the strip. The Venetian in Macau, serves traditional chinese and portugese dishes and some of which considered delecacies, like fried pidgeon (yes, the entire pidgeon), chicken feet, ox tail, pig face (a pigs face sliced up!!! never knew if youd get an eyeball or a molar) fish (the whole fish) prawns (eyeballs, antenae and all) SO! I ate at McDonalds every single day... and got fat... -
I'm going to teach yoga!!!.... What is yoga??? Biosocial
I realized I needed something more meaningful in my life, Something to take me away from my addiction. I was sitting in a stairwell hung over before work one day and had a divine realization that although I had never taken a yoga class in my life, I wanted to become a yoga instructor! I took my first class the next day and hated it, then again the day after that, eventually I started walking with a bounce in my step, Over time, I became physically fit, and this activity balanced me mentally -
Move back home and create a new dream and new life cognitive
I moved home to Las Vegas for a short period of time before going to become a certified yoga instructor in Sedona, Arizona. Here I learned the valuable skill of meditation, spent a month in complete introspection and had many spiritual experiences and realization of the way i experience life. More particularly, learned to recognize egoic tendancies and how this created chaos in my life. I learned tools to be healthy emotionally and mentally. -
Love will work this time! psychosocial
I never had a boyfriend for longer than a year, my friends always teased me because I was always "just kind of dating" someone. Then I found Beau, I feel like I had dated enough assholes and I was finally ready to love and to stay in it forever. We began cohabitating a month after dating and moved to MI together only 8 months after we started cohabitating. We got married 10/14/11 and I couldnt be happier. We are completely in love. But we did have our growing pains!!! -
I finally quit!! biosocial adulthood
after 7 years of smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes a day, i finally quit. and havent picked up a cigarette to this day -
speculative adulthood. cognitive
I am graduating from the University of Michigan with a degree in Psychology!! I am preparing to enter a PhD program at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. I will be collecting research on the benefits of yoga to patients of inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. I will be teaching yoga classes and counceling centers. -
speculative adulthood. biosocial
I am so lucky to have a husband that works at whole foods and is a certified personal trainer because I am able to eat healthy and make exercise fun time spent with him. We live a very healthy lifestyle! we go hiking every weekend and work out throughout the week -
speculative adulthood psychosocial
Although I wish i could finish my PhD before starting a family, I am starting to get old so my husband and I say if a kid happens, they will be welcome. Having a family is important to us -
speculative adulthood... im staying sharp! cognitive
I am staying sharp as i age, my cognitive abilities are similar to my younger years because i take lots of supplements to aid in memory and I love doing puzzles to raise my IQ. I even published my first book! it is called "The Chakras; an Introduction to the Psychology of the Body" -
speculative adulthood psychosocial
my husband and I are still together and incredibly happy. our chosen lifestyle creates health and happiness in our lives -
Theories for Aging
there are many different theories about aging. As a yoga instructor I have read many books that suggest a dAily yoga practice will in fact slow the aging process. I plan to test this theory fully! I will also continue taking Astaxanthin which will reverse aging effects in the brain and eyes, this regimin will prevent dimentia and alzheimer's (biosocial) -
keeping my brain healthy (cognitive)
My husband always makes fun of me that I can never sit still and just watch a movie. To me, I always need to be doing jigsaw puzzles, memory games, brain teasers and what not to keep me mentally engaged. I don't see this as a flaw all the time. Because it is these brain teasers that will keep my mind active and my memory fresh. As I age, I have time and freedom to do even more of these things! (cognitive) -
politically active? family close by side? (psychosocial)
I know for a fact that as I age with my husband, we will probably continue similar habits we have today, I will prefer gardening, and he will undoubtedly become very active politically. My Vedic Astrology natal chart actually states this will be an incredibly pleasant time for me, as the characteristics that make my personality will be in full effect. In my chart, my exalted mercury will be the main dasha (time period). This suggests strong connection and communication with family and children. -
I have definitely spent time considering my golden years and what would be most important to me. Through my study of Numerology created by Pythagoras, I've calculated that my maturity number is a 5. This means that I will want to have felt like i traveled the world, seen great things, tasted amazing foods, having a maturity number 5 suggests that I will feel more accomplished if I am able to accomplish much in life. If this is not the case, I will probably be the 80 y/o going skydiving! (psycho -
I have a feeling I will become exceedingly discouraged when my body begins to age. I am a passionate artist. I love making jewelry, painting, making floral arrangements, sewing, etc.. I have a feeling that if I get arthritis, I might get depressed that I can no longer continue my hobbies. I think physical deterrioration is my biggest fear. (biosocial) -
death and dying
I believe I will live a long life alongside my husband, I believe we will age gracefully because we both live stress free lifestyles. We are both outdoor enthusiasts and have already discussed that we want to be cremated instrad of burried so that our ashes can be spread at our favorite national park. Zion.