Authority control

Authority Control

  • Charles Ammi Cutter

    Charles Ammi Cutter
    Charles Ammi Cutter set the stages for the syndetic structure of catalogs in North America and its origins (Tillett, 2004).
  • Seymour Lubetzky

    Seymour Lubetzky
    Seymour Lubetzky wrote in his Principles of Cataloging that an inquiry in any form or variant would need to be enabled for one to accomplish the objective.
  • IFLA

    IFLA initiated and sponsored many studies with a view toward establishing an international system of authority control (Plassard, 2004).
  • Ritvars Bregzis

    Ritvars Bregzis
    Ritvars Bregzis noted that the inclusion of an authorized form of heading is not a requirement for the bibliographic record, as long as we can link it in the computer to the related works of the author (Tillett, 2004).
  • Barbara B. Tillett

    Barbara B. Tillett
    Barbara B. Tillett started the Authority Control Interest Group (ACIG) which is a part of the ALA (American Library Association).