Australian Inventions

  • Electric drill

    The invention was originally designed to drill rock and dig coal.
  • Medical application of penicillin

    In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey purified penicillin from a special strain of mould.
  • Black box flight recorder

    This remarkable device is virtually indestructible and records the final moments of a crashed plane’s last flight.
  • Permanent-crease clothing

    The technique uses chemicals to permanently alter the structure of wool fibres so they can be set with heat.
  • Electronic pacemaker

    Artificial pacemakers send small electric charges into the heart to help it maintain a regular beat.
  • Plastic spectacle lenses

    The technology was further developed to create the first plastic bifocal, trifocal, and progressive-focus lenses.
  • Inflatable escape slide and raft

    The slides can also be used as a flotation device if the aircraft lands on water.
  • Permaculture

    Permaculture, a concept that uses a natural approach to designing self-sufficient human settlements and agricultural systems.
  • Ultrasound scanner

    This discovery forever changed pre-natal care as it gave expecting parents a window to the foetus without x-ray exposure.
  • Triton Workcentre

    The multi-purpose workbench stabilises and improves the accuracy of portable power tools
  • Cochlear implant

    Cochlear implants are devices that are implanted into the head to electronically stimulate the auditory nerve.
  • Racecam

    Channel 7 introduced live television broadcasting from racing cars, allowing viewers to watch the race from the driver’s perspective.
  • Polymer bank notes

    Plastic bank notes were developed in a combined effort by the Reserve Bank of Australia and CSIRO in the 1980s.
  • Winged keel

    A nearly horizontal foil, or wing, at the base of a sailing boat keel.
  • Wi-Fi technology

    In 1992 John O’ Sullivan and the CSIRO developed Wi-Fi technology, used by more than a billion people around the world today.
  • Frazier lens

    The innovative lens allowed for both the subject and background to be in focus at the same time.
  • Spray-on skin

    The innovation involves taking a small patch of the victim’s healthy skin and using it to grow new skin cells in a laboratory.
  • Google Maps

    Danish brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen developed the platform for Google Maps in Sydney in the early 2000s.
  • Gardasil and Cervarix cancer vaccines

    Known by the commercial name, Gardasil, the vaccine protects women against four strains of a virus called human papillomavirus.
  • Tank-bred tuna system

    The clean-seas system fools the tuna in a tank into thinking they are swimming out of the Australian Bight and into their breeding grounds.